Leo Horoscope for August 2014

Leo Horoscope for August 2014

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are on a wild trip this month, Leo, in this your birthday time of the year. You are riding a somewhat confusing mixture of unbridled optimism and sudden caution that could either alternate or tug you in different directions simultaneously. These added checks and balances could seem frustrating at times but are also just what the doctor ordered to offset the pure optimism of your current exuberance. At the same time you are making further and more thoughtful relationship-oriented forays into the unseen depths of your inner world. Outer world achievement is another huge factor for you now and is definitely tied in some important fashion to your hidden goals of interior exploration and increased self-knowledge. Unexpected enlightenment lurks around every corner when you allow yourself to attune to the messages that the cosmos is sending your way.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave from the recent New Moon in your sign, which was also conjunct expansive Jupiter. The last weekend of July started out for you with a big bang; this is your birthday season, so Happy Birthday! This is indeed a powerful time of year for you, and with Jupiter in Leo, and with Venus passing through there as well, later in the month, you may need ankle weights to keep your energy from blasting through the stratosphere. With Mars in square to this New Moon configuration, it only adds fuel to the flames - your emotions are running hot. Amidst great strength, energy, abundance, and vitality, the caution is for you to avoid becoming too proud, or egotistical, as a high and mighty attitude could prove counter-productive.

Fortunately any excess of positivity is offset by the highlighted and conservative presence of Saturn in your sector of home and family. This astrological archetype of caution provides a natural counter-balance to your raging enthusiasm, and you could find this acted out by the presence of family members, or restrictions having to do with your physical dwelling space.

In another prominent aspect stemming from the time of the New Moon, the individuating energies of Uranus are making an inconjunct aspect to the keeper of boundaries, Saturn. Both planets are moving very slowly, because Uranus just stationed retrograde, just as Saturn stationed direct, thus amplifying their energies. Finding your very own path as you relate to your spirituality and to your philosophy of life has become crucial for you in these recent weeks. In the present month you might be seeking to understand how you can channel the wisdom and teaching you've gained, and apply it to your own family, roots of origin, or heritage. You could also encounter elements of feeling blocked in this endeavor, or it's possible you may need to set more distinct limits with family members in order to remain in balance with your own higher ideals.

You do also potentially have loads of energy in this area of home and family, because Mars is present there as well, and you might find in yourself a sensuous, loving, passionate energy connected to your home environment. With all this vitality, you may need to watch for imposing yourself on those around you, particularly family members, and to remind yourself that yours is not the only way to get things done. There is thus a push-pull of green light and also holding back in caution.

As you quest into realms of discovering your own unique way forward, a journey of considerable introspective self-discovery is simultaneously underway for you. Coming to a better understanding of your own psyche and subconscious realms is part of your ongoing process of shining externally, and of establishing yourself of true service to others. Perhaps there is a tension between these two modes of inner and outer, so that when one is receiving your attention, the other becomes marginalized. These arenas could also become more greatly harmonized in your life; one could be an access point to the other. The more you consider your inner workings, the better you are able to share your gifts with the world, and the sharing your gifts allows you in turn a deeper understanding of yourself.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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