Leo Horoscope for June 2014

Leo Horoscope for June 2014

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents another exciting and productive time for you, Leo, geared to accomplishments in inner as well as outer realms. The recent New Moon has gotten you thinking ahead; you are moving mentally toward a more vibrant and integrated future self that you can visualize for success and almost taste. An idealistic current within you pulls you onward, with perhaps the temptation to put intimate partners on a pedestal, while the thoughtful and introspective weeks of the Mercury Retrograde period, beginning next Saturday, incline toward self-examination. This lends a mystical attitude to friendships and group affiliations that reflect how you plug in to the social swim around you, and make your splash. An idealized vision of your pathway forward is one huge plus of this powerful cycle, as you redirect your goals to the highest.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of the recent New Moon from the middle of the last week in May, that took place in your sector of societal connection and future plans. The first week of the month represents an excellent time to think ahead, and to visualize new possibilities for yourself along highly idealistic lines. Because the numinous qualities of the Neptunian archetype are fully involved, being in square to the New Moon, there is also the distinct possibility of over-idealization, especially where intimate partnership is involved, and perhaps confusion about the depth of your own resources and capabilities that could enable you to get into motion toward your most cherished goals.

After the first week of the month, Mercury turns backward in the sky, beginning in the early morning hours of Saturday, June 7th, and thus taking you into a more introspective mode. It is therefore best that you make your most concrete plans before this date, choosing to refine them as necessary over the remaining three weeks. Mercury stations on July 1st and escapes its retrograde shadow around the middle of July, on the 16th. Then the Sun, your ruler, enters your sign on July 22nd, signaling the time when all systems are "go" for actualizing the course corrections that you have visualized over the previous six weeks or so of the Mercury Retrograde period.

Another kind of opportunity is represented by a prominent Saturn in your fourth sector of home and family concerns, which could appear as difficulty but which has its subtle rewards. You have great focus in this area now and over the entire summer. It might be that you will have to deal with issues involving family members, perhaps getting clearer about boundAries or the limits of your interaction. The physical remodel of your dwelling is another possibility for this astrological combination, which might also reveal places within your psyche that you were relatively unaware of. In any case if you can welcome whatever comes out of this time, regarding it as in some sense meant to be, you will be ahead of the game. Discernment is definitely an effective counter to the potentially unbridled optimism of this period.

As you navigate the tricky waters of this month, it is extremely helpful that you share your inner world, as also indicated by the highlighted presence of Mars in your third solar sector of communications. Mars is just getting up to speed after his own recent retrograde. The astrological indication is for great energy in the fields of learning and teaching, as well as just relating to others about what deeply interests you. You are coming to new conclusions all the time about where you are at philosophically as you continue to make your way forward in the midst of the vitally transformational period represented by this potent year of 2014. There is so much to consider that it is perhaps understandable if the torrent of information has gotten ahead of your capacity to absorb it. As you consolidate your new insights going forward your have the blessing of an idealized loving presence that can take the form of significant partners in your life, and also the circle of friends that can help you to conceptualize all that is happening, and as well share their own information back to you.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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