Leo Horoscope for July 2015

Leo Horoscope for July 2015

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month of change for you, Leo. You are filled with optimism for new ideas, and for the strange learning now coming your way, epiphanies and realizations that are imbued with a powerful sense of deep purpose. Success in the eyes of the world is within your grasp, and depends in part on your commitment to service to others. The first half of the current month represents the best chance that you will have all year to visualize new future worlds for yourself into concrete manifestation. When you think big and stay true to your most deeply cherished values, you will be richly rewarded; if not immediately, then over time. You are getting a novel handle on projects that are, in essence, educational, while yet taking you far afield from the academic pursuits of the ivory tower.

As the month begins, you are feeling your way into better and more profound internal connection with yourself. This makes for a nice chime with the late-Gemini New Moon from the middle of the previous month, which having taken place in your sector of societal connection focused your attention outward, toward future manifestations that are now more fully within your grasp. Paradoxically, the way outward for you to greater fulfillment in the circumstantial arena of the busy, buzzing world at large, and as well the way down into your most profound inner spaces, is one and the same. These next two weeks, leading up to another powerful lunation in the mid-July New Moon, constitutes one of the best chances that you will have all year to visualize new possibilities for yourself into being, based on the vital energy-flow in your sector of societal involvement and future plans. You are also taking into account to an unusual degree the deep internal process alluded to in the foregoing, because there is such a great focus there, in the current transits to your solar chart.

The Capricorn-Cancer Full Moon that takes place right at the very beginning of the month has a great deal to share with you regarding inner process, and as well the manner in which you reach out to others, across what Robbie Robertson of The Band referred to as 'the great divide' separating your psyche from those of trusted partners. The nature of this phase is both culmination of what began two weeks prior, at the New Moon, and relationship outreach, as symbolized by the Sun and Moon in opposite positions across the zodiac from one another. Coincidentally with the timing of this Full Moon, we also find the highlighted presence of Venus, planet of relationship, in your sign, conjoined by expansive Jupiter, ruling your fifth solar sector of romance and enjoyment of your own creativity. There is here indicated a call to become more fully cognizant of the impact of relationship upon your life.

Neptune, too, is highlighted in the configurations of this month's astrology, and is located in your sector of intimacy and personal evolution, making one more chime in the current astrological weather for you, for delving down into your deeper places. You could also find a spiritual influence in how you connect with close interpersonal relationships and perhaps a touch of illusion, or confusion, there as well. The energy of this numinous astrological archetype points to beyond the physical and is not at home in the day-to-day happenings of ordinary existence.

Then, too, the presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in this same sector, brings your own woundology also into the picture of how you relate to others — and to yourself — especially in the first week of July. You are exploring aspects of the way in which your own early trauma has affected you. This is perhaps due to painful experiences that you were unable to handle at the time, and so became buried away in your unconscious, sometimes arising to take you over "from below" as it were. Becoming more aware of these hidden places within you is one key to unraveling their containing effect on your life.

The new planet, Eris, as described in this month's overview section, is highlighted all this month. Eris being located in your ninth solar sector of higher mind symbolizes that there is a way that you are also currently tuning in more fully to your soul intention, regarding how your beliefs interact with your overt actions.

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