Leo Horoscope for August 2016

Leo Horoscope for August 2016

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is your moment to really shine, Leo, because your birthday time has rolled around once again. With Jupiter activated in your sector of values you are feeling strongly the enthusiasm of the season. You are in a powerful process of incorporating hidden and unseen worlds into your everyday awareness, so that there are mystical realities underlying your worldly presence now as well, adding to your thoughtfulness. You must also recognize that you do not have clear sailing ahead, as revealed in the powerful nay-saying presence of Saturn in your self-expression sector. Your forward moves this month are put into 'stop and go' mode, with more stop than go. In these times of great and profound change, this is therefore not the opportunity for steaming full-speed ahead, but rather a time to watch and wait, attempting to integrate the vastness of the information flowing through to you.

As the month begins, the day before a dramatic New Moon in your sign, you are reveling in the strange depth that this intense summer season timing has on offer. The day before the New Moon is special, a time of reflection and taking in, and so is the dramatic rush of energy on the following day. Depending on when your birthday falls, you will be affected in different ways. For example, if your birthday was in July, thus having already taken place before the New Moon, you will feel the energy to be out and about, fully in the mode of play. If on the other hand your birthday is yet to come, there is a more introspective air to the proceedings. If born on the 1st or the 2nd then you have a very powerful month and even year ahead of you, because a strong solar return chart (for the remainder of 2016 and the first half of 2017) is likely.

This New Moon configuration represents another powerful lunation that puts the Sun, your ruler, in touch with a stationing Saturn, and a dreamily prominent Neptune. There is an implied tug-of-war between idealism, potentially bordering on illusion, versus too great a dose of practicality and unwanted restriction. One or the other wins out in each instance, but it is not consistent which one. The best is when you can effect a compromise between these antithetical viewpoints. The placement of Neptune in your sector of intimacy and internal investigation leads you to a dream orientation that is familiar from the first half of the year, now even more greatly emphasized. You might be feeling the urge to merge completely into whatever absorbs you in realms of deep feeling and exploring your emotional depths, which could be relative to close partnership connection with a significant other; this could also refer to getting in more total touch with yourself, deep down. As far as Saturn goes, you are likely to experience a sense of being stopped in your tracks, a psychological space where, hard as you try, nothing seems to be possible for getting done. This has its frustrations, the more so when you are bent on doing rather than being, although forewarned you might be able to display greater patience. Saturn does have its advantages, in that what you manage to accomplish is done thoroughly and well, and the lessons more fully taken in. They say that the water running slowly through the irrigation ditch makes for better nourishment of the crops, and the same might prove true of you as you go through an interesting and empowering monthly cycle.

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