Leo Horoscope for August 2017

Leo Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a magical time for you, Leo, when you are experiencing rebirth. You profit by thinking quite seriously about who you are and where you are headed. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse of Monday, August 7th is quite powerful for you; a time of increased awareness of your own inner world, as well as the importance of partnership in your life. This is an action-oriented month that also has its element of introspection. This latter becomes more evident with the retrograde of Mercury on August 12th. You are feeling a sense of mission, to make more out of your day-to-day existence than the demands of the marketplace would offer or require. The solar eclipse of the 21st puts you in better touch with profound intuitional realities that have been knocking on your door, and ultimately signals a shift to practical outcomes and a consolidation of the major changes that are sweeping through you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

August of 2017 is your month of your year, Leo. The last time you had a birthday with a powerful North Node solar eclipse in your home sign dates to August of 1999. In fact, it’s a good idea to take a few minutes and see what you can recall from that time in your life. Often eclipse cycles bring repeated themes or variations on similar themes from one cycle to the next. For example, sometimes jobs change under repeating eclipse cycles, or people move from one place to another and back, or sometimes we see relationships beginning and ending, or children being born and then leaving the nest. Whichever way you slice it, it doesn’t get bigger for you than two eclipses back to back in your first house.

Traditionally, the first house was called the horoskopos, in Greek, which is where we get the word “horoscope” from, and it meant “the hour marker.” It was also called the “helm,” as in the steering wheel of the ship of life. In ancient astrology, the first house was the most important house of the birth chart because unlike the other houses, which pertained to many different topics or destiny within the native’s life, the first house belonged to the native him/herself. The first house is associated with the soul, the spirit, the character, the health, and the psychology of the individual. It is also associated with new beginnings or new enterprises, and the general navigational intelligence we have for the journey of our life.

The first eclipse on August 7th, a lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses always happen on Full Moons) falling in your seventh house of relationships and love may bring a very powerful sense of climax, completion or finality to relationships or partnerships. Like all Full Moons, lunar eclipses are powerful omens of closure or resolution. Resolution, climax, or endings in relationships or in the lives of the people you are in relationship with is therefore a major theme for you this month. Your partners or loved ones be finishing something, completing something, or even accomplishing something this month, or you may be asked to let go of or surrender to the inevitability of a relationship reaching its conclusion. It may not be easy because this ending is happening in a deeply personal place. However, the good news is that this month’s lunar eclipse is followed by a second, solar eclipse (solar eclipses always happen at New Moons) on August 21st.

A solar eclipse in your home sign is like an incredibly powerful New Moon, bringing a deep opportunity for renewal and rebirth. First house eclipses often signal things like new jobs, new schooling or education, a new health regiment, a revitalized or totally new sense of who you are, changes to your appearance, or a generally new approach to your everyday life. First house eclipses also reach into your social awareness. If you have been seen by others in a negative light, then this eclipse may provide you with an opportunity to steer your ship in a more appealing direction. On the other hand, if you’ve been hiding or biding your time and waiting to express something powerful inside of yourself, then this eclipse might push you out into the spotlight.

In closing, it’s important to note that the themes or events surrounding eclipses do not always take place right away. Sometimes eclipses plant the seeds of major changes that will come in the next six months to one year, as the nodes continue through the same signs and eclipses come through the opposite sign of Aquarius in the mid-winter. Regardless, for a sign born with a very deep and fundamental sense of your potential and specialness, this is a month to shine. Just remember, to be truly great, we have to learn how to shine through both the good and the bad. If we can do this, then we are truly living up to the potential of our birth. Good luck, Leo!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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