Leo Horoscope for January 2018

Leo Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are coming into yourself in a new way this month, Leo. You have been on a something of a search for identity over the past month, and forging an expanded sense of purpose over the course of this current one. You are in the midst of a growth spurt in answer to the life-long question of who and what you are, where striving for achievement, and to what end. A touch of the numinous unknown keeps you from being entirely practical about your quest. You find that the final determination must be left to some extent quite mystical and vague. You are having a series of brilliant realizations that entirely alter your preexisting worldview, creating a new mission statement out of the ruins of the old. In the end, it is a matter of right relationship to yourself at deep levels, as well as to trusted partners that share your taste for this ultimate adventure.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Leo! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your sixth house to stay for the next two to three years, where the emphasis will be on service, healing, and personal wellness.

The sixth house was traditionally called “bad fortune,” and it was also called “the joy of Mars.” The topics associated with the sixth house broadly represent the everyday misfortunes and suffering that exist in the world, but also with the call to serve others, to heal others or be healed, to learn and grow through humbling experiences, or to fight on behalf of a cause. Broadly speaking, Saturn entering your sixth house for the next several years means that any of these topics might become especially pronounced in your life. Because you are used to shining like the Sun and leading from your heart, you may use that energy over the next few years to help those who are less fortunate than yourself. However, it’s also possible that you may be the one in need of some healing. Saturn entering the sixth can be quite humbling for Leos, as well. Just remember, the strongest and most important Kings and Queens are those who serve a higher purpose. Real transcendence stems from the generosity of your noble heart, which is your highest self!

The first of the month features a Full Moon in your twelfth house. The twelfth house is a house related to loneliness, confusion, and self-destruction. It was also a house traditionally related to imprisonment and hospitals. It may not sound very nice, but the twelfth house has also long been the seedbed for great mystics, artists, and creative genius. So, don’t be alarmed if the month begins with a little melancholy, confusion, or loneliness. You are still only halfway through a year worth of the effects of last August’s solar eclipse. It’s an especially big year for those born under the sign of the Lion, and this kind of transformation seldom occurs without facing our shadows. As the Full Moon comes through to start the month, just remember to listen to the small and quiet voice inside your heart. It’s hard for Lions to ever be small, and yet the most powerful Lions know how to lie down next to the lamb. Be kind to yourself and know that your simple, quiet presence is a healing fountain, both for yourself and others.

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family. This is an invigorating, inspiring, and action-oriented transit. You may find that your family is growing and expanding at this time, or that there is more competition and play with those you love. Your home or property might be growing or changing in important ways, or you might be discovering deeper layers of secret or unconscious material in your home and family, perhaps reaching far back into your ancestral karma. Mars and Jupiter conjoining in the fourth house could also indicate that the topic of beliefs, arguments or debates about beliefs, especially within your home or family or related to your home and family, are important for you this month. Although you are naturally a loyal person, there is nothing that triggers a Leo more than disloyalty or betrayal on the home front. You will wrestle alligators on behalf of those you consider family and you will also turn stone cold on those who betray you. Just remember, it’s your actions in the world that speak the loudest, even louder than your best and most inspired performances.

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and immediately conjoin Saturn in your sixth house. Watch for an important message, conversation or piece of news or information around this time. It’s a good time to get solid/grounded advice, or to possibly offer your own honest wisdom or feedback to someone else. It’s a great time to begin any kind of project related to technology, self-healing, or learning, but you should anticipate that the road ahead might involve a steep learning curve. If you find that something is broken or not working during this time, inside or out, consider this the perfect place to try something new.

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your sixth house, and in conjunction with Venus. Issues of your workplace, exercise regimens, or health in general could come up for you, now and through to the end of the month.

On January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your seventh house of love and relationships. Watch at this time for your social life to become a greater source of happiness and joy, and don’t be surprised if your love life gets a little more interesting and enjoyable. Venus in Aquarius may also challenge you to take a step back in favor of being part of something bigger than yourself, or it might have you enjoying some flirtatious power struggles. You may also find that you are working very hard to be more diplomatic with others at this time and that you are finding new allies as a result.

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your fifth house of children, joy, creativity, and recreation. As the month closes you might be feeling a surge of creative enthusiasm or conviction. Mars in the fifth house is a passionate creator. You might be playing hard and working hard at this time. Be careful of not overly indulging or of taking immature risks. Mars in the fifth house is sometimes like a gambler who doesn’t know when to cash out or a party-goer who doesn’t realize they’re about to have one too many. If you have children you may find that they are a little more bold, aggressive, or defiant this month, and it wouldn’t be totally shocking if someone got a winter cold or dinged themselves up while playing a sport.

With the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 31st you will be coming into something of an electric charge regarding your sociable self and your connections with others. Relationships with significant persons in your life are greatly emphasized. Remember, this is a year of major personal transformation for you since the solar Eclipse in August. You may need to try on your new identity and it may need some time to stretch out and feel like home. In the meantime, be patient with yourself and trust the process!

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