Leo Horoscope for December 2019

Leo Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of contrasts for you, Leo. You are exploring your own creativity, with powerful implications for career and profession, and yet you are at the same time largely focused on Others. Partnering contributes mightily to your evolving concept of what you are up to in terms of your highly dynamic work in the world, and considerations of home and family play a highly significant role as well. You might be considering an upgrade to your dwelling, or the consequences brought about in your current psychological situation stemming from issues with your family of origin. You are paying sincere respect to future plans and attempting to integrate these with your deepest values. All through the month, and especially in the timing of the December 11th Full Moon, you are very aware of your mission of service to the greater collective that surrounds you. As you seek the best way to plug yourself in, intuitive information straight from your unconscious provides necessary clues, and cannot be discounted.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Jupiter in your fifth house of romance and creativity all year has brought many opportunities for more playful and pleasurable experiences to flow into your life in 2019. Not only was Jupiter distributing his bounty in the parts of your life connected to your creative projects/children, Jupiter was also in a beneficial trine with your sign. This means that pleasurable expansion has been one of the big themes for you recently. You might want to have a moment of gratitude for all the new doors that have opened because of your ability to say ‘’yes’’ more often to new experiences.

On December 2nd, Jupiter leaves the sign of Sagittarius and enters Capricorn to join Venus, Saturn, and Pluto. This will bring a powerful emphasis in your sixth house of health and routine in December and beyond, and should support the implementation of better habits in 2020. Daily routine and your health is already on your mind to begin the month of December, and you might be looking for ways to balance rest and work as New Year resolutions. You could feel the need for down time at home to sort out, and integrate, a more streamlined approach to your daily habits that in turn can benefit your health. There could be tension at the beginning of the month between work and play with an emphasis on work or even some family obligations that keep you from totally relaxing. You might have to contend with difficult people or something confronting that throws you off track.

On December 9th, Mercury enters Sagittarius and finally leaves Scorpio after being there since the beginning of October. Mercury’s time in Sagittarius until the end of December should lighten up the mood considerably and maybe even bring new creative ideas. You should start to feel more energized than you have been intellectually in the last few months, and it's an excellent time for brainstorming on ideas and projects you would like to realize in 2020.

The Full Moon in Gemini late on December 11th shines a bright light on your place within your community and your connections and friendships that lift you up in the World. With Jupiter in Capricorn applying to trine Uranus in Taurus on the 15th, mid-December promises to deliver some interesting developments. Keep your fingers on the pulse, as new opportunities could arise out of the blue, especially if you put yourself out there and mingle with your people. With Venus's ingress into Aquarius on the 20th the emphasis continues to be on relating and partnerships, and the novelty/new avenues that can present themselves via your interactions.

The Winter Solstice arrives in the Northern Hemisphere with the Sun entering Capricorn on December 21st a day after Venus enters Aquarius on the 20th. For you, Leo, the Sun entering Capricorn brings attention again on your daily habits, routine and health regimens, while Venus highlights your partnerships and relationships. The work and pleasure balance continues to be a major theme in the second half of December as you juggle career obligations, family, and friends, with your own personal needs.

Some tension is indicated for everyone around the 20th, 21st, and 22nd of December when the Venus ingress into your opposite sign of Aquarius applies to square Uranus in Taurus. Various obligations and desires could be polarizing, and the stress of this time of year with everyone trying to gather and have a good time will definitely be felt. Best to keep your cool and simply observe the tension as opposed to stepping in the middle of it.

The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn late on December 25th happens in your sixth house of health and routine, and will serve as a powerful reset just before the New Year. Due to the sheer number of planets in Earth signs to begin 2020, resolutions made around this time will have a good chance of sticking. There is extra elbow grease and a lot of determination for you to have, if you set our mind to it. The will is available to change your material reality and your life into the visions you have for yourself. However, it will require a good level of discipline, foresight, and delayed gratification in the year ahead. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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