Leo Horoscope for March 2019

Leo Horoscope for March 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is for you another climactic month of changes, Leo, although most of what you are going through seems to be taking place inside your own mind and heart. The strong astrological currents that you are caught up in this month also involve sudden course changes in your professional life, hopefully promoting self-knowledge in your choices there, and greater alignment with your most sincere values. You will likely know by month’s end that you have been through something. The Mercury Retrograde period beginning on March 5th – coupled with the Pisces New Moon of the following evening – indicates that you will be involved for the remainder of the month with depth work and intimate connection. You are forging ahead with comprehending inner motivation, including early wounding, and also getting a glimpse of the motivations of others. There could be partnership financial issues to navigate, although these might best be viewed in a symbolic manner, as leading you into a studied sense of mission for better understanding the effect of partnership on your life.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

As the month gets started, with Venus in Capricorn in your sixth house, squaring Uranus in Aries in your ninth house, perfecting on March 1st, you are looking for a new way of doing things, or you might be excited to implement a new philosophy, take a journey abroad, or begin studying something new. However, don’t be surprised if your eagerness to challenge or defy old ways of doing things is met with some resistance. Venus will then enter Aquarius and move into your seventh house of relationships, where the likelihood for harmony and agreement will likely increase in short time.

On March 6th, the New Moon in Pisces will conjoin with Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house of death and transformation, just as Mercury is also turning retrograde in Pisces. The simple message of this upcoming lunar cycle is that resistance and denial is futile. Transits to the 8th house have a way of bringing karmic bills to the table. If we are ready and willing to accept the lessons of these karmic events, then often enough an eighth house transit leads to a profound level of healing and growth. But the only way out of an eighth house period is through!

Also on March 6th, Uranus will enter Taurus and move into your tenth house of career, where it will stay for many years to come, bringing revolution, shocks, innovation, and liberation into your professional life. This is an exciting transit that you got a sneak preview of last year. Now it’s here to stay and will start making an impact right away.

Between March 14th and March 20th, Mars in Taurus in your tenth house of career will make trines to Saturn and Pluto in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. This period may present a series of trials or challenges in relation to work, but it’s also an industrious transit that may help you push through obstacles on the road to greater achievements.

On March 20th, the Sun will cross through the gateway of the Spring Equinox, moving into Aries and conjoining with Chiron in Aries in your ninth house of the higher mind. At the same time, the Full Moon in Libra will light up your third house of the mind, communication and messengers, suggesting a moment of philosophical, theological, or intellectual transformation. Look for important teachers or teachings to enter your life right now. This transit is also an omen of things to come, as Chiron is now bringing healing to the house of the higher mind, law, academics, spirituality, long journeys and beliefs for many years to come!

Finally, between March 24th and April 2nd, Mercury will conjoin Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house, Venus will enter Pisces, and Mercury will then turn direct in Pisces, conjuncting Neptune once more in direct motion. Once again, the eighth house of death and transformation is calling to you very powerfully this month, suggesting that you are being faced with a potentially intense moment of emotional catharsis. The good news is that with Venus entering her exaltation and moving into the eighth house, blessings and good fortune may very well come from the deeper lessons you are being faced with right now.

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