Leo Horoscope for May 2019

Leo Horoscope for May 2019

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a terrific month for you, Leo! You have an energetic longing for a future that you can really live for, and what is more, are willing to act upon this rather idealistic fantasy. Your intuition is quite powerful, and you profit from glimpses of an inner truth that totally transcends consensus thinking, to the extent that you can stay open to possibility. An extreme focus on your work and your outer world presence yields to an important subtext, for only the path with heart will be of true satisfaction to you now. You have been mulling over the simplicity of day-to-day events and exercise regimens, and their corollary in work habits and overall good health, and likely finding room for improvement. As you proceed to act upon these realizations, you confirm your faith in yourself. Your creative juices are stirred to the max, and you have only to let go of inner obstacles in order to plunge ahead as the person that you were always meant to be.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Between May 1st and May 3rd, Mercury in Aries in your ninth house of the higher mind will be making a square to Saturn in Capricorn in your sixth house of sickness, service, and work, while also forming a conjunction with Eris and square with transformational Pluto, plus a sextile with Mars in Gemini, creating what is traditionally called a “mutual reception.” Given that Saturn and Pluto also recently turned retrograde in your sixth house, you are likely moving through a time of potentially wearisome contraction and concentration. It’s a good time to look carefully at your higher beliefs and principles to see what hidden laws or intentions are guiding your day-to-day life. If changes or revisions are needed, your intellect should be sharp enough to help you make some solid executive decisions right now. It’s also an excellent time for studying, researching, or investigating something you’re interested in, as you’re likely to experience greater mental focus right now.

On May 4th, the New Moon in Taurus will fall in your tenth house of career, highlighting a period of growth in your professional life in the Moon cycle to come. Surprising events and new professional directions are more than likely as the month continues to unfold. Your tendency to resist the sudden changes that are being thrust upon you must be tempered by a willingness to stay open to possibility as you move through a chaotic yet rewarding period of time.

Between May 7th and 8th, Mercury will then conjoin Uranus in Taurus, bringing a further burst of creativity and rebellion into your career house. You may be utilizing a new form of technology or challenging conventional ideas and norms at work this month.

At nearly the same time, between May 5th and 6th, Mars in Gemini in your eleventh house of friends, groups and allies, will oppose Jupiter in Sagittarius in the fifth house of creativity, stirring up a firestorm of collaborative creative action to complement the creative spark of the Mercury/Uranus conjunction in your career house. It would not be surprising to see you joining with others in order to accomplish something or finding unexpected resources that will help you further your career or life goals.

Between May 10th to May 15th, your ruling planet, the Sun, will move through Taurus in your career house and make trines to Saturn, the South Node, and Pluto in the sixth house of work, sickness and service, temporarily making a grand earth trine on May 14th as the Moon also travels through Virgo in your house of money and resources. This is a tremendously practical and productive period, where you will likely find that you are implementing plans or starting to see the result of past efforts or work finally manifesting.

On May 18th, the Full Moon in Scorpio will then fall in your fourth house of home and family, while Venus is also conjoining Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career. Although this transit is brief, it will draw you temporarily into some very deep waters at home or in relation to property or family matters. You may also see a sudden change at work or possibly in your social life or in romantic relationships. The need for greater freedom, or the desire to take a creative risk, will likely be pitted against the need for emotional security or safety.

On May 22nd to the 24th, Mars in the sign of Cancer in your twelfth house of dissolution and surrender will square Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries in your ninth house of the higher mind. Given that Mars in Cancer is also the ruler of this month’s Full Moon in your fourth house of home and family, you are probably doing some spiritual growth work around the topics of family and religion or spirituality at this time. It is also a moment to explore your relation to anger and emotional vulnerability. As a Leo, many people naturally look to you as a source of light and radiance. By having the courage to become more aware of – and even begin to correct – your own shortcomings right now, even if it’s painful, you will likely help others to heal as well.

Finally, From May 29th and May 30th, Mercury in Gemini in your eleventh house of friends, allies, and groups will square Neptune in Pisces in your eighth house of death and rebirth, while also opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius in your fifth house of creativity. This is a powerful alignment that brings with it an expansive and highly intuitive level of awareness and mental productivity. You may find that you are easily grasping complex ideas or even experiencing heightened states of consciousness or unusual synchronicities during this period. Don’t be shy about asking big questions because you are likely to find some big answers, if you do.

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