Leo Horoscope for April 2020

Leo Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month partakes of yet another potent lunation cycle for you, Leo, with a focus on higher mind activities. Rearranging your conceptual understanding of things, non-academic educational possibilities, and armchair travel – resulting in new perspectives – are all implied. As you continue to reflect upon the world around you, you may also be moved to explore the inner dimensions of your existence. This includes the possibility of ancient wounding, long-buried, coming up in some manner, to remind you of unfinished interior business that you would do well to now make progress on. New initiatives abound and are begging to become concretely actualized. There is a dedication now to your most sincere sense of mission for this lifetime, as you can come to that by means of meditative inquiry. You are seeking a better and longer lasting linkage between your ongoing work in the world, and your deepest dreams and desires for a better world that might be able to begin to emerge out of the ashes of the old one.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April begins with a highlighted Sun in Aries, corresponding to your sector of higher mind, promoting educational opportunities of all kinds, not necessarily academic. Then, as well, Saturn and Mars are now tightly conjoined in Aquarius. For you, this conjunction plays out in your house of partnerships. You could find yourself putting the brakes on a relationship or redefining the terms of an agreement. Demands from others that feel limiting could now be burdensome which is creating more tension. However, Saturn is not all bad. His influence can bring deeper commitments and maturity in your existing relationships. You could find yourself preferring a practical and grounded partner at this time. With Mars also transiting in your house of relationship patience is required this month either way. You might need more space to come and go as you please. Either way you look at it, you could easily find yourself negotiating the terms of a partnership.

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will activate your social sector for the next four months. This is an unusually long period for Venus to be in any one sign, and it is due to her retrograde that comes up in mid-May. During April, the tempo of your exchanges with others will increase as a result, although later on there will be second thoughts. This is a good time for group participation or simply putting yourself out there in your community. Venus is a planet associated with connectivity, money, beauty, music, the arts, and relationships. These topics could be significant in the coming weeks and months. Perhaps there is a connection between your ability to put yourself out there, and generate an income. It could also be that Venus in Gemini compels you to get more creative with others. Your community and your creativity are highlighted during her transit in Gemini. You might expect a few good brainstorming sessions with friends on the horizon.

The Full Moon in Libra arrives on April 7th emphasizing your connection with siblings, neighborhood, and communications of all kinds. It is sure to be a busy time of the month for you with a lot of social activities, and exchanges. Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on the same day carrying a degree of volatility. Feelings of uncertainty or tension in connection with your career could culminate around this time. Handle partnerships with care as this timing could be the likely place that steam is let out. Patience and mindfulness with others will pay off as they may be able to bring you considerable support later in the month.

The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn on the 14th is a time to assess your health and physical routine. Finding proactive ways to manage your stress level could be on your mind. With heavy players Jupiter and Pluto transiting there, it's your opportunity to step up your health game or keep your momentum going. Saturn in Capricorn for the last three years has supported good habits and now you are putting what you have learned into practice. Your body is the vehicle that allows you to do everything. Your health is your number one priority.

The Sun enters Taurus, and your tenth house of career and profession, on April 19th, and immediately comes into a square with Saturn on the cusp of your partnership sector. You will find your attention turning increasingly on your career responsibilities and it might be difficult right now to see where things are heading. You could be faced with challenges that test your determination, and it could be difficult to see how you can move forward. However with Uranus also in the sign of Taurus roadblocks could suddenly turn to doorways into innovations. If you can move beyond pessimism, you will quickly realize that there are unexpected solutions available. If you meet your responsibilities with humility, you can stay open to new creative ideas.

The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd is conjoined with Uranus and squaring Saturn in Aquarius and your partnership sector. For you, Leo, because this powerful lunation is taking place in your career sector, you will find potent soil in which to plant your ambitions. Times are changing and you have the ability to shape your vocation or work-life accordingly. The decisions you make now will take time to materialize, this is true; however this is definitely a powerful time of inception. A New Moon is characterized by the dark. It is the time of the month when her light is minimal and the nights are black. It is hard to see the shape of things to come but do not underestimate what is gestating and slowly taking shape under the cover of darkness. New roots are forming. Uranus in this same sign is inviting you to stay ahead of the game with original ideas that connect to partnerships, career, and health.

The First Quarter Moon your sign arrives at the end of the month, on April 30th, and represents a moment of tension in actualizing what you are now attempting. It might also be demanding that you prioritize some time for yourself in your busy schedule.

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