Leo Horoscope for February 2020

Leo Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a February of consolidation for you, Leo, and of introspection. In the aftermath of a rather intensely transformational previous month, you are now feeling into the new direction that your life might take, in this new year. This includes a renewed sense of life mission. You are bemused by recent alterations in what you consider your career and profession, which are getting stronger and, perhaps, stranger. This month also has a relationship focus for you, as you as well attempt novel directions in this important area of life. The Full Moon of late evening of February 8th, is especially poignant in this regard, as you seek your own developmental growth largely through the medium of partnership, plus depth researches into the dark places within you. During the last half of the month, you will likely be taken even more to the inside, rethinking issues of life and love. You sense that, going forward, your activity must resonate with all that you are, top to bottom, or else lack ultimate validity.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Partnerships continue to be a big theme while the Sun moves through Aquarius in the first half of the month. You might feel challenged by other people's demands at this time, but also more likely to compromise. Mars still transiting in the Fire sign of Sagittarius until February 16th energize your desires and playful impulses. It’s an excellent opportunity to actively participate with this transit by getting creative, having a few brainstorming sessions or simply connect with the playful aspect of your nature.

Finances could be on your mind in the first week of February as you try to organize your schedule and streamline your income. Mercury enters Pisces on February 3rd where it stations retrograde later this month. This specific retrograde could have you revise contracts and alliances, especially in the financial realm. You might be thinking of getting financial support for a business idea or to expand an existing one. Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus on February 4th and 5th and these are great days to generate innovative ideas in connection with your career. This same aspect will take place again on March 21st, indicating that an innovative plan or genius idea hatched at this time could unfold over the next several weeks.

Venus enters the Fire sign of Aries on February 7th (until March 4th). Lady love will be in a supportive trine to Leo igniting your desire for pleasure and ease throughout the month.

The Full Moon of late evening of February 8th/9th, takes place in your sign, highlighting your needs, your body, and your sense of identity. If you have recently been placed in a position of authority, this Full Moon can represent a time of acknowledgement for your contributions. This is an important marker in the year and a time to take stock of how you are feeling. You might be reaching a culmination point in connection with your career or simply feel a desire to reconnect with your health and body. You might already be setting your gaze on a new challenge for the year ahead while something has reached its full potential. Whatever you are feeling at this time, a Full Moon in your sign brings the spotlight on YOU. Soak it in, pamper yourself and listen to what your body and spirit craves.

On February 16th, Mars enters Capricorn until March 30th. Mars in Capricorn will bring much needed vitality to tackle your everyday routine and physical health. Until March 30th your focus could be on the way you organize your daily life with the incentive to set long-term goals. These goals could be oriented towards your health and habits. On the same day Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces until March 9th. Not all Mercury retrogrades are equals for all signs. This particular Mercury Retrograde in Pisces takes place in your eighth house of shared assets prompting you to revise your alliances and the hidden or overt contracts that bind you to others.

The Sun enters the Mutable Water sign of Pisces on February 18th, signaling the last thirty days of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The second half of the month continues to emphasize your daily routine, your health and how to find proper supportive structures. Work-life balance will be on your mind all year as Jupiter transits in Capricorn, and Pisces season will bring this reality to the forefront.

February 21st could bring important breakthrough regarding work and career. Uranus transiting in Taurus is giving you an edge for the next 7 years. Much of Uranus’s Promethean influence and innovative current is being filtered through your vocational aspirations. Some of your far-fetched ideas might actually be more possible than anticipated. These visions and ideas will be made possible by your willingness to break the mold. Trusting your instinct – especially regarding upcoming trends in your field of work – might pay off in the long run.

The New Moon on February 23rd takes place in the sign of Pisces representing a powerful time of inception. Contracts and financial obligations will be revised and your alliances could be shifting. This New Moon is tied in with the Mercury Retrograde in Pisces representing a mixed bag of influences. The New Moon brings a forward momentum and the beginning of something. However, with Mercury Retrograde in Pisces it could mean that some things still need to be sorted out. Mars in Capricorn sextile this New Moon indicates that big aspirations can be made possible with patience, long-term planning and hard work.

On February 25th, in a significant part of its retrograde cycle, Mercury will meet the Sun in Pisces in an inferior conjunction. This is a crucial time during Mercury Retrograde that could deliver solutions on how to proceed next. Mercury will still be moving retrograde in Pisces for another few weeks but this is more or less the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. Mars in Capricorn conjoining the South Node on the same day could offer insights into the past and this might be just the thing for allowing you to take the next step.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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