Leo Horoscope for October 2020

Leo Horoscope for October 2020

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another wild and crazy month for you, Leo, especially where your work in the world is concerned. You have been shooting off in all directions, and some are quite interesting and potentially productive. At the same time, though, some of these ideas will die on the vine, being a bit too far out for your current state of understandable caution. In any case it is your mission of service to friends and allies, and to the surrounding collective, that is your major focus. You have been evolving there, with further transformation still to come. Your dedication is strong, as is the potential for obstacles, and yet surmounting these might be just the ticket for advancing your self-esteem. You are also revising and reviewing your basic worldview and beliefs, becoming more and more ready to act upon these. When you can tune in and locate your bottom-line values, the principles that you must espouse, for long-term gain, you are ahead of the game, “for heaven and the future’s sakes.”

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

There is a bright Full Moon on October 1st taking place in the Fire sign of Aries. This Full Moon for you, Leo, highlights the recent adjustments you have had to make in connection with a philosophy of life, and more extensively your basic belief systems. Many things came to light since the end of March, and you have been in the process of readjusting your stance when it comes to the big picture. The Full Moon in Aries illuminates how much broader your vision has gotten recently. You may feel like getting involved actively with a cause, or realigning yourself on an educational path that fits better with your current circumstances. The eternal student in you could be hungry for more. This month especially, you want to perpetually broaden your mind, your horizon, and feel like you are participating in the world. The Full Moon conjunct Chiron in Aries brings up inner wounding that you might have, and speaks of your lucidity around inequalities, and your desire to help. Coming to terms with the current state of affairs takes time, and the grief can be tremendous. Since you are an action-oriented sign it also means that you cannot simply sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. It is a good time to utilize your courageous strength towards education, and empowering others with your passions.

Venus leaves your sign to enter Virgo on October 2nd, shifting the focus to your financial realm and more extensively on your values, and your sense of self-worth. Something is already in the works in that area of your life since the time of the recent Virgo New Moon from mid-September. You might be in a process of reevaluating income, and this continues while Venus transits in Virgo almost all month. If you are self-employed or a contract worker it might be a good time to raise your prices, or negotiate a better deal that reflects your skills. Your work, your career, the cost of life, and how much you make will be a big theme all month. It will be a good time to budget and assess your financial situation.

Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on October 7th, and this could highlight the precariousness of a work scenario. You might feel on shaky grounds when it comes to a vocational decision while also having to accept the uncertainty. Exploring your options and brainstorming could help you find new avenues of approach. There also could be some inner tension or anxieties to wrestle with, especially around the second weekend of October. The Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on the 9th calls for taking time out for extra rest. Spiritual necessities might loom larger than actual life ones. Spending time unwinding at home without striving could help to bring an enlightening perspective. Relaxing could actually be a productive way to handle tension.

Mercury stationing retrograde in the sign of Scorpio on October 13th might trigger a negotiation process with a family member or a scenario at home. There could be talks of relocation that somehow helps with your career. The retrograde period lasts until Mercury turns direct on November 3rd, or even two weeks longer when you take Mercury’s retrograde shadow into account. It’s a good time to explore your options, get to the root of a problem, and strategize. If you feel impatient remember that this Mercury Retrograde will straighten out by mid-November and that it is inadvisable now to “push the river.” It may take a few weeks before a clear solution or a compromise can be reached.

The New Moon in Libra on October 16th brings renewal regarding the ways you communicate with your surroundings. If you are someone who utilizes social media and the internet for your work, this New Moon could indicate a time when you recommit to being organized while streamlining your approach. You may feel like recommitting to spending less time on mindless information, and more time utilizing the tools available. Being intentional with the ways in which you utilize the internet at this time could yield really good structures later. With Venus currently in your financial sector ruling over the New Moon in Libra, there is an underlying momentum towards building financial stability for yourself which may have to do with the way you utilize social media. You do not need to have it all figured it out. However, it’s a good time to recommit to structuring your time by using the tools available to you.

Mercury Retrograde opposes Uranus in Taurus again on the 17th highlighting a situation at home or in your career. The Sun enters Scorpio on the 22nd emphasizing family and your home life for the next month. A difficult situation could get clarified when Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio meets the Sun on the 25th. The end of the month could feel emotional but the process may also be necessary before harmony is restored. Venus entering Libra on the 27th can help communication to flow.

The Full Moon in Taurus, corresponding to career and profession, takes place on October 31st and is conjoined Uranus. This could bring an exciting glow to your vocational life. You may feel like you are reaching greater footing amidst these unstable times, or gain clarity regarding a career direction, or perhaps a recent choice you have made. Take the time to acknowledge the efforts and the work that brought you where you are. You have reasons to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.

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