Leo Horoscope for March 2022

Leo Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month for you, Leo, when your sensibilities are challenged and your learning curve remains steep; that is if you want to get everything that’s coming to you out of this powerfully transformative time. Prominent Pluto implies metamorphosis, affecting outer world choices as well as private life, and imbuing you with a growing sense of your own unique life mission that takes priority over early conditioning and consensus viewpoints. This is a partnership-oriented time as well, and your relationships in general serve to point you to necessary alterations in how you see yourself evolving along with your creativity. You are serious about partnership commitment now, and also seriously optimistic about your possibilities, involving greater intimacy with others and ultimately with yourself. As far as your career goes, there are likely to be surprises, followed by more surprises, with the potential for allowing some novel comprehension to percolate through to your meditative mind behind the scenes. New realizations in turn inform your understanding of who you are, and eventually filter through to your self-expression, also highlighted in this powerful month of changes and of changing awareness.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The astrological beginning of March brings a revitalizing Pisces New Moon on the 2nd, that could feel both overwhelming and deeply connective. The New Moon is also conjunct Jupiter amplifying the unifying qualities of Pisces for better or worse, as boundaries dissolve. Water signs such as Pisces relate to the deeper emotional and psychic undercurrents that unite us all. The universal waters of Pisces transcend all boundaries and relate to the powerful cleansing and healing qualities of this emotional element. As big cat Leo, you might not know what to do with so much wateriness. You may feel dizzy just reading this ; just recognize that it could be necessary this month for you to release a certain amount of control. You might feel compelled to have faith in this life process currently unfolding. This is even though it may feel scary at times to surrender to it.

Another factor in this New Moon comes to your aid however. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius brings a different influence of solid grounding and could also highlight the support available from an important partnership. You could find a sense of solidity through others that can help you get your bearings now, and a sense of structure that prevails for the remainder of the month.

The triple conjunction of Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn in this New Moon configuration brings another flavor to the health and routine sector of your chart, that of powerful yang energy. Themes related to your well-being, your health, and more extensively, your work ethic may be culminating over this monthly period. Your sense of personal power could also be highlighted. It's a good time therefore to journal or simply to acknowledge how far you’ve come, when it comes to pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

Mars and Venus enter Aquarius together late on the evening of the 5th where they will remain closely conjunct in the coming weeks. Your passions and desires could be aroused while these two planets transit in your opposite sign right up to the end of the month. Partnerships of all kinds could play an important role over these few weeks, and you may find yourself negotiating the terms of a partnership agreement. While the good news is that it may start to feel easier to know what you want, it could also be that this represents a challenge to anyone in your life who has been taking you for granted.

As you progress towards the middle of the month, things may get somewhat diffuse and it may be more difficult to keep an objective mindset. Mercury, planet of communication, enters the sign of Pisces on the 9th where it will send cryptic signals until entering Aries, near month’s end. You may be worrying about things that are outside of your control or haunted by fears that are difficult to explain.

On the 13th and the 14th, the devotional qualities of Pisces continue to get amplified by a conjunction between the Sun and Neptune. You may have too great a tendency to compromise at this time, especially in your intimate partnerships. Your desire to be loved and to be taken care of could influence your decisions. You might need to ensure that your partnerships are based on mutual support.

The Full Moon in Virgo on the 18th illuminates your resources sector including things that bring you a sense of stability. There may be an important theme here related to shared resources and benefits coming from someone close to you. You may also have an opportunity for personal advancement at this time thanks to your connections. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and therefore presides over this Full Moon; being in the sign of Pisces, and receiving a sextile from Uranus, Mercury here could represent linking future plans with funding or shared resources. It's a good time to say yes to any offered help that could aid your development in your chosen line of work.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the return of the light. This is excellent news for you, as the Sun transiting here could feel energizing and bring themes of expansion, learning, and travel to the forefront over the coming weeks.

You may still have to contend with important dynamics in your partnerships in the latter part of March. Mercury entering Aries on the 27th could however also clarify what has felt muddled. As March comes to a closing final week, you may find that it is easier for you to see ‘’the big picture’’ and you may start to regain a sense of perspective. Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on the 28th could bring deeper commitment in a particular partnership or an important agreement to the forefront. There is a mature influence permitting your interactions at this time and you should feel a clearer sense of where things are heading.

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