Libra Horoscope for July 2016

Libra Horoscope for July 2016

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of relative intensity for you, Libra, a time when major changes that have long been coming on will suddenly bear fruit. You have been accommodating yourself to new inner realities, over the past months and even years, that affect how you see issues of service to others and also your family dynamics, either those of your current tribe or your family of origin. This latter clearly has had a huge effect on the way that you show up in the world and how you take ownership for your own psychological roots that secretly drive you from below, so to speak. These issues, and your responses, have been percolating through your conscious awareness for many months, and are coming in this year of transformation to some form of resolution. Your current evolutionary advance is by no means final, providing you with a springboard for further progress.

As the month begins, you are feeling the shift in the energy toward greater forward momentum in several categories of your life, particularly involving relationships and worldview. Mars has only just now stationed direct, over the past two days, and is slowly beginning to move forward once more after many weeks in retrograde motion. This planetary energy represents activity of all kinds, and for you, being the ruler of your partnership sector, most notably those having to do with interpersonal connection. There is also the important factor in this beginning weekend of the Moon coming into Gemini, corresponding to your sector of higher mind, indicating an emotional affinity now for greater perspective and increased comprehension of what you are about. The mysterious workings of astrology indicate as well that there could be perspective-changing trips involved, at least in the planning stages. With your ruler, Venus, being directly opposite to Pluto now, there are subtle changes taking place at great depths within you that will accelerate as the month continues to unfold.

This month also features a close square between limiting and restrictive Saturn and numinous Neptune, representative of higher realities beyond the physical plane. This aspect, highlighted in the timing of the July 4th New Moon, speaks to your dedication to finding the entire truth of whatever matter is before you, deepening your understanding. This also brings to your growing awareness a sense of what is going on in your depths, the profound inner layers of your personality, and the hidden wellspring of all your surface activity.

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