Libra Horoscope for April 2018

Libra Horoscope for April 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are feeling your way forward, Libra, in the midst of an exciting month that holds surprises and new insights concerning the impact of partnership in your life. Recent days, leading up to the beginning of April have been wild, with sudden changes to take in, factors that return in the second half of the month, following the April 15th New Moon. With Mercury in retrograde motion, you are mentally exploring interpersonal connection, as is near and dear to your relational heart. This takes place on a multiplicity of levels; the deeper meaning might only emerge from a more concentrated meditation on what is far below the surface layers of your personality. Due to the alignment of cosmic forces, you are in the midst of a huge process of realization and transformation concerning these and other more individually personal issues. You are changing at the core, and do best when you acknowledge this simple, compelling, and incontrovertible fact.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins just as Mars and Saturn are coming into a conjunction in Capricorn in your fourth house of home and family, while both planets are also square to Mercury in Aries in your seventh house of love and relationships. Watch for conflicts or struggles in your relationship or within your family, or even between a spouse or partner and your parents or family members. Though you are naturally prone to finding or seeking harmony and fairness, you may have to define your boundAries very clearly right now or even separate yourself from relationships that are imbalanced and not likely to change. Remember that it’s not your role to mediate every conflict, either. Conflict is okay, and in fact, sometimes it gets worse when we try to manage or mediate other people’s issues.

Between April 7th and the 11th, Venus in Taurus in your eighth house of death and rebirth, shared resources or passive income will be making trines to both Saturn and Mars in your fourth house of home, family, and property. This is a good time for making repairs or for fixing or mending something in the home or family that has been damaged or broken. It’s also a good time to establish a better balance of power or resources in your relationships, perhaps especially regarding domestic responsibilities. You may also notice that those you are in relationship with are experiencing a somewhat challenging time surrounding money and finances or that they are undergoing some changes or maybe even some challenges in the work place.

Late in the evening of April 10th and into April 11th the Sun in Aries in your seventh house of relationships will make a square to Pluto in your fourth house of home and family. Again, we are seeing an emphasis on both relationships and home and family matters this month. This transit is all about a powerful moment of catharsis and change in these two areas. As a Libra, you are happiest when the scales are balanced, but this transit will not likely give you that satisfaction. Just remember, when you look around at the world, things are not generally balanced. All you must do is take a walk in the woods to recognize that the ground beneath your feet is generally uneven. So, life is like this, too. We strive for balance but we learn to embrace and even love the natural unevenness of things, as well. Plutonian transits are not generally graceful or easy, but they do provide us with an opportunity for healing and growth, if we can suspend judgment and allow ourselves to experience whatever is coming up.

April 15th to 18th the Sun will conjoin with the rebellious and unpredictable Uranus in Aries in your seventh house, exact just days after a New Moon in Aries on April 15th. All month long your relationship house is highlighted. Relationships will always naturally challenge you to find the right mix of individualism vs cooperation or harmony. Just remember that people are people and not simply numerical values in a beautiful equation. Your most important life lessons will often revolve around moments of having to define or choose something for yourself, without so much concern for what others want or think or need. Some of your greatest teachers will also be those cavalier individuals who enter your life and do things without the same regard or constant concern for fairness that you have. This transit, like several others this month, may tip the scales more than you are comfortable with, but you will be just fine if you can remember that balance is not just an idea or an image but also a living, organic, process.

Between April 16th and 17th, Venus in Taurus in your eighth house of transformation and shared resources is opposing Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house of money, possessions, and personal resources. This transit may tempt you to spend more than you need to or to indulge in things that you really shouldn’t. Be careful of that temptation. At the same time, you may find that you are negotiating or looking to strike up an agreement or come to an understanding of some kind in relation to financial matters. Who is responsible for what, and how do you clearly define what is yours from what is “ours.” You may also find that cooperation and mutually beneficial opportunities are surfacing. If you are trying to buy or sell something right now just be careful that everybody’s expectations are realistic and that nobody is getting taken advantage of.

Finally, on April 26th, Mars will conjoin with Pluto in your fourth house of home and family, emphasizing some powerful changes in the domestic sphere of your life. Mars and Pluto together are all about catharsis and fated moments of confrontation or change. Sometimes people remodel their homes, buy or sell property, or face major changes or challenges among family members during this transit. It’s also not uncommon to see family members accomplishing major projects or the celebration of major family milestones.


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