Libra Horoscope for July 2018

Libra Horoscope for July 2018

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a transformative start to an active summer for you, Libra. You are in the midst of far-reaching changes that involve altering certain aspects of the way that you see the world around you. Partnership in your life is also subject to research, revisioning, and redesign, while you come to more fully understanding your depths; that is to say, the vast unconscious realms within you that underlie everything that you say and do. Your focus on career in the early part of the month partakes of a recognition of inner wounding that applies as well to relationship concerns. With the potent Solar Eclipse of July 12th all of this is accentuated and fraught with a push toward massive changes at the very core of your being that have been building for many months. There are inherent obstacles to getting things done that can be frustrating, but which do leave you more time to refrain from doing and simply dive into inner work.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month’s astrology features two eclipses back to back, and August has a third waiting in the wings, which all affect you rather profoundly in terms of your public statement, future plans and creativity. Meanwhile, Mars continues his retrograde this month through the sign of Aquarius, representing your fifth house of self-expression. It’s a busy month, so let’s look at each major transit, one at a time.

Your month gets kick-started on July 5th when Mercury in Leo in your eleventh house opposes Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your fifth house. Watch for creative debates or disputes, negotiations, and compromises within groups or organizations you belong to. While you are a natural diplomat, this is a testy transit that can easily turn an everyday disagreement into a shouting match. At the same time, Mercury and Mars may also inspire you to speak up about something you feel strongly about. Given that you are sometimes a peacemaker to a fault, this could stir you into a healthy expression of greater assertiveness.

Then, also on July 5th, the Sun in Cancer in your tenth house will trine Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house with Jupiter moving quite slowly, getting ready to turn direct on July 10th. There is a wonderful opportunity here for professional and financial growth, support, and success. You may find that those with the power and ability to help or support you are eager to do so, or that you are finding greater confidence to push forward with your dreams and goals. It’s also a great time for a renewal or restoral of your faith with a creative process. When Jupiter turns direct its common to see a period of delays or setbacks come to an end and progress returning!

On July 9th Mercury in Leo in your eleventh house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your second house. Be careful of overly charismatic propositions, exaggerated or grandiose statements or communication, and big ideas that lack careful implementation strategies. At the same time, it’s a great time to craft a vision or mission statement, to generate or build enthusiasm and support from others, or to find support, hope, and comradery within professional organizations or your social circle.

Then on July 12th the first eclipse arrives. The Sun will oppose Pluto in your fourth house as the New Moon (a solar eclipse) takes place in your tenth house. This solar eclipse may bring some significant changes to your professional life and/or the workplace in general. A solar eclipse in this house represents a powerful turn of events that may completely transform the circumstances of your job, public reputation, or professional calling. The oppositional tension from Pluto in the fourth means that these changes are also intimately related to your home, family, parents, or property. Transformation in both areas at once may have you juggling a few different duties or responsibilities simultaneously, but trust the process, and trust your natural ability to be discerning and to find harmony in all situations.

July 18th Mars conjoins the South Node of the Moon in Aquarius in your fifth house. If you have children, then don’t be surprised if your relationship is transforming over these summer months. The retrograde of Mars through this house may indicate that they are going through a time of personal changes, healing, or a season of rebelliousness. Don’t worry and be careful not to overreact; things will likely change for the better when Mars has finished its retrograde journey. Meanwhile, don’t be surprised if you are returning to some things from your own childhood, or if you are sorting out the difference between mature and immature past times, pleasure, or recreation. This transit provides an opportunity to simplify, reduce, or eliminate things that you feel you have outgrown while also deepening your personal life and refining your sense of taste.

On July 24th, Venus will oppose Neptune across your sixth and twelfth house axis. Watch for themes of sexual healing versus sexual delusion, romantic escapism or else spiritual partnering, creative states of consciousness over and against unhealthy distractions. This is also a great transit for exploring the sacred feminine, getting closer to the goddess, and connecting to feminine/religious icons, saints, or visionAries.

Finally, on July 27th the Sun in Leo opposes Mars in Aquarius at the time of a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, across your 11th and 5th house axis, while both are square to Uranus in Taurus in your eighth house. Something is coming to a head related to fifth house areas, which means the topics of children and pregnancy, creativity, self-expression, and performance, or perhaps recreation, sport and pleasure are hot topics right now. The lunar eclipse represents a very intense change of circumstance and coupled with Mars and the South Node it might mean that as circumstances are changing you are being forced to let go of something, or to advocate, protect or defend something at all costs, or to make an unusually assertive claim or demand (because you are a Venus ruled sign, this isn’t your natural comfort zone). The good news is that while this eclipse may be particularly intense, you aren’t alone, the effects of this eclipse are likely to make headlines, and you will probably find that your natural abilities as a peacemaker will be called on for the sake of supporting others through the process of transformation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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