Libra Horoscope for June 2019

Libra Horoscope for June 2019

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents another potent time of transformation for you, Libra, when you are out in the world in new ways, and when the unseen underpinnings of all that you do take on even greater significance. You are reaching out for greater intimacy in relationship and, as well, within yourself, while also coming to a more informed handle on a philosophy of life that truly moves you, top to bottom. Important partners in your life are helpful, as you discover the deeper meaning in all that you do. What is most significant about your work in the world may be the way that this aligns (or fails to align) with your own inner values. The Sagittarius Full Moon, and the Summer Solstice that follows four days later, on the 21st, are significant junctures for you when these notions reassemble themselves in new ways. Lately, it seems, the more that you ignore the whims of consensus thinking and settle into your own sense of things, the better it goes.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month features a powerful and slow-moving opposition from Mars in Cancer in your tenth house of career to Saturn and Pluto in your fourth house of home, foundations, and family. Next to this, the major story of the month is a long series of T-squares being formed between planets in Gemini in your ninth house of spirituality and higher education, Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house of communication and the mind, and Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service.

The oppositions from Mars in Cancer to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will come between June 13th to June 21st, and during that time Mars will be joined by Mercury in Cancer. This is a dynamic period, one that will bring a high level of emotional intensity into the workplace as well as your home environment. You are likely facing a period of destabilization and emotional volatility. You may also be called to fight or defend those who are more vulnerable, or you may need to stand up for yourself or express your emotions in ways that are more forceful or assertive. Be careful of getting drawn into standoffs, triangulation patterns, or into power struggles with those you are intimate with, or with people in the workplace. It’s possible that this transit also inspires within you the desire to make some difficult but necessary changes, again perhaps at work or in the home, but it will likely require a high level of emotional fortitude and courage to go through with it. The good news is that things should lighten up considerably by the time of the Summer Solstice, when the life-giving Sun moves into watery Cancer and brings clarity and strength to your tenth house of career, just as Mars completes its oppositions to Saturn and Pluto.

The other major transit of the month involves a series of T-squares from planets in Gemini in your ninth house of spirituality and higher education to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your third house of communication and the mind, to Neptune in Pisces in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. The T-square party begins on June 3rd, with the New Moon in Gemini, and is then re-activated by the Sun in Gemini on June 9th and 10th, by the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17th, and then by Venus in Gemini between June 22nd and 24th. All these various planet points move into alignment with Jupiter and Neptune, bringing idealism and optimism, also potentially fantasy and deception, into the picture of your learning, communication, and spiritual growth.

This sequence suggests that in addition to the powerful changes happening between work and family life, you are at something of a philosophical, spiritual, or educational threshold. It’s an excellent time for learning or studying something new, for finding new teachers or mentors, or for traveling to see family and friends for the sake of spiritual growth. You may also need to question or closely scrutinize some of your values or beliefs this month, especially if things feel ungrounded or rooted in illusion or fantasy. On the other hand, if you tend to be overly critical or skeptical, it may be the right time to find your faith or to entertain a more imaginative or intuitive approach to life.

Finally, on June 26th and 27th, the Sun in Cancer in your tenth house will make a square to Chiron in Aries in your seventh house, which could bring a moment of angst and yet also greater emotional healing and wisdom into both the workplace and your relationships at once. This should also help to ease any of the residual tension left over from the dynamism of Mars’ oppositions to Saturn and Pluto.

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