Libra Horoscope for December 2020

Libra Horoscope for December 2020

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This end of year timing continues the difficulties, Libra, that have been active for you all along in these Covid times, and that are nevertheless productive of important changes and realizations. You have been lately concentrating on your development of Self, digging down into the fertile channels within your psyche, bringing up to consciousness the pearls of great price that are resultant from these deep-diving expeditions. Alterations in your creative expression and life direction are the ultimate rewards, and could be productive changes on the home front as well. Relationship, too, has represented – along with the strong emotional content – a complex interplay of surprising information and novel perspectives, contributing to your own growth. The Solar Eclipse of Monday, December 14th, is followed a week later by a dramatic Winter Solstice event that brings to an interesting climax much of this significant inner activity. You are discovering where you stand, in terms of bottom line values and principles of natural law, and taking these as formative for your next developmental stage.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

December is ripped with changes for you. The last month of the year arrives just after a Lunar Eclipse in Gemini which occurred on November 30th, and which for you implies extra focus on creatively understanding the world around you. Projects and ideas that you’ve been trying to set in motion could finally culminate as 2020 comes to a close. The Gemini Eclipse occurred in your vision sector and will be sending ripples of change into the New Year. Opportunities surrounding academia, teaching, traveling, and learning experiences may start to open up.

Simultaneously, Mercury enters the equally visionary landscape of Sagittarius on December 1st, where it will travel swiftly until the Winter Solstice. In this Mutable Fire sign, Mercury is quick and enthusiastic. You may have to adjust to a faster speed at which you can get things done. You could find yourself in a bit of a logistical whirlwind trying to tie up loose ends during this transitional time. The Sun in Sagittarius illuminates your communication sector until the 21st which could add another layer of busy-ness. There may be an unusual amount of dialoguing and negotiating, especially during this first part of the month.

Venus, your ruling planet, is still transiting through the magnetic waters of Scorpio as the month begins, which emphasizes your sense of self-worth. You could have been coming recently to realizations regarding what is important to you. The New Moon in Scorpio from last month, mid-November, might have felt like a powerful reset in connection with where you want to invest your energies, and currently things are in motion. The trine between Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces takes place on the 5th and 6th, and might infuse the first weekend of the month with daydreaming and fantasies. This is a nice influence if you are creatively inclined, as Neptune is often associated with mystical experiences, and transcendence. However, it might be harder to deal with the more practical side of existence. The Neptunian influence continues into the second week of the month when the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on the 9th, while Venus is sextile with Pluto in Capricorn on the 10th. This can blur and confuse your aim, especially in terms of relationship, since the Moon is also transiting in Libra and Scorpio for most of the second week of December. It might be best to wait before drawing hard conclusions on any difficult matters but there could be a lot of dialoguing and idealization around intimacy, and partnerships. The Sun in Sagittarius conjoined with the South Node of the Moon on the 11th reinforces the lack of clarity as the South Node tends to carry a spiritual influence which breaks down the more materialistic impulses of the Sun. You may be willing to sacrifice more than usual so use your powers of discrimination while negotiating with others.

A potent Solar Eclipse occurs on December 14th in the sign of Sagittarius while Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn are sextile Venus in Scorpio. There is a changing of the guard occurring as we approach the end of the year and it could be hard to distinguish where things are heading. Mercury also in Sagittarius is conjoined with the South Node at the time of the Solar Eclipse which may reinforce this impression that something is finished, or is about to be. There could be a dialogue or a piece of information that comes to you mid-month that allows you to finally close the door on a longstanding issue.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 15th which shifts your attention onto communication, transportation, sibling-like relationships, and more extensively online logistics. In the following weeks, it may be your connections that help you get where you want or what you want which means you could be busier than usual with emails and phone calls trying to make things happen.

There is a considerable shift that occurs leading up to the Winter Solstice. Saturn officially enters the sign of Aquarius late on the 16th after having been in Capricorn since the end of 2017. Saturn will be transiting in Aquarius until March 2023, and needless to say that this will bring considerable changes to the topics of self-expression and romantic play, perhaps children, all issues corresponding to the house where Aquarius sits in your chart. Jupiter follows suit entering Aquarius on the 19th where it will be until December 2021, while Mercury in Sagittarius conjoins the Sun in Sagittarius later that day. The confusion or lack of clarity in regards to where things are heading could vanish as Mercury revivifies itself in the solar rays. You could feel a renewed sense of purpose or objectivity as the contours of reality gets defined.

Mercury enters Capricorn on the 20th, and the Sun follows suit on the 21st signaling the Winter Solstice, the first day of the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. The long awaited conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius also occurs on this same day of the Solstice which officially inaugurates a 200-year period when the conjunction will repeat in the Air element. For you personally, Saturn and Jupiter’s ingress and then conjunction in Aquarius brings a supportive trine aspect to your sign. The upcoming year could be significant in terms of finding the proper structures for your projects. You could make tangible progress especially if you invest time and dedication to your true passions and find the people who want to back up your work.

The year 2020 comes to a close around the same timing as the Full Moon in Cancer rises in the night sky on the 29th of December. This Cancer lunation is quite significant for you, and implies a greater focus on career and profession. You also may find yourself reminiscing in the past. Home and family are highlighted and it's a good time to acknowledge your loved ones, your children, and all the memories you share together.

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