Libra Horoscope for December 2021

Libra Horoscope for December 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather intense month for you, Libra, with two major astro events that shape your future, perhaps more than you would think. The Solar Eclipse and New Moon of December 3rd and 4th is a potent lunation due to being an eclipse, and also brings issues of partnership prominently into play. There is a fierce quality to the influence of important others in your life at this time, as they give you a sharp nudge that takes you further into your own evolutionary development. Beginning with the Full Moon in Gemini that follows two weeks later, on the 18th, your ruler, Venus, changes direction in an unusual retrograde. This is a time when you are transforming at deep levels, lasting through Christmas Day. No ordinary holiday, you are consumed with depth issues over surface ones, enjoying the meaning of the season in terms of forming within yourself the diamond body of integration that will be required for your next phase. What predominates are issues of inner wounding that arise for healing, as well as concern for all the creatures, including humans, with which you share planet Earth.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The communication sector of your chart is lit up at the beginning of December thanks to the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius occurring late on December 3rd or early on the 4th. A major reset is taking place related to your ideas and how you share them with the world. People may be more interested than usual in hearing your opinion so don’t shy away from invitations to speak and participate in the conversation. This may be a busier time than usual and you may have to plan accordingly if you want to get everything done. A project that has been gestating for a while may finally be gaining traction which should encourage you to keep going. Mars in Scorpio squaring Jupiter in Aquarius during the second week of the month could connect your revenue stream to a creative idea; there may be exciting and lucrative opportunities around the corner. Mercury squaring Neptune on the 7th is a reminder to keep wishful thinking in check but taking a few calculated risks could pay off.

Venus, your ruler, is currently transiting in Capricorn and comes into a conjunction with Pluto beginning the 8thand lasting to the 28th. This is an aspect that will be more or less exact all month due to the retrograde of Venus within a degree of the Pluto position. It will occur again in early March, after the retrograde of Venus completes. There may be hints of an upcoming change related to your home or a family matter emerging that will need evaluation. What felt supportive in the past may not be available anymore. Pay attention to your desires and what you want during this entire time, as these may be indicative of a longer narrative that will play out in early 2022. There could be financial or relational changes in the works that have been a long time coming.

On December 11th, the second weekend of December sees the Sun in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces; this implies that important conversations might be taking place but things could feel unclear or confusing. It may not be the best time for work that requires a rigorous or analytical approach, however activities that engage your imagination like cinema or music could be more stimulating at this time.

On the 13th, Mars enters Sagittarius and Mercury enters Capricorn which continues to highlight logistical and domestic matters in the following weeks.

The Full Moon culminates in Gemini on December 18th shining a light on mind-expanding journeys and your desire to move beyond the familiar. They say home is where the heart is and your heart’s compass may currently be set on an exciting new possibility. Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn a few hours later while Chiron in Aries stations direct in your relationship sector. Mercury in Capricorn – which rules over the Full Moon in Gemini – squares Chiron auguring that there may be important messages or realizations concerning inner wounding taking place at this time. With Venus now moving retrograde in your home sector until the end of January, you may first have to go backward before you can move forward although your desires are being clarified.

The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21st signaling the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in Capricorn for the next month highlights your personal and domestic life, your roots, your family and where you come from.

An existing tension could be highlighted from the 18th to the 26th, when the third and final square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus perfects. This is an aspect that colored the entirety of 2021 that may relate to your inability to fully attend to your creative and romantic desires while being bonded to pre-existing contracts and responsibilities. While accepting that you may not get exactly what you want out of a deal, you may finally start to see your hard work paying off.

The end of the year could bring important dialogues at home or with family members as your attention turns towards your personal life. You may return to the essential for the time being while trying to delineate your goals and objectives for the year ahead. Jupiter enters Pisces on the 29th and the Moon is transiting in Sagittarius for the last day of December, promising a warm and festive influence to welcome the New Year.

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