Libra Horoscope for June 2021

Libra Horoscope for June 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month is of great interest for you, Libra, due to the potent Mercury Retrograde period which comes as a form of philosophical debate within you, regarding worldview and beliefs. There could also be reconsideration of travel plans, consistent with the ninth house emphasis of this rather potent monthly cycle. The retrograde is in the sign of Gemini, which Mercury rules,and lasts until the first week of July when you consider the two-week retrograde shadow period after Mercury’s June 22nd station to direct motion. When this is combined with two eclipses that are also focused on the Gemini-Sagitarius axis, it makes for quite a powerful Mercury Retrograde period when many things could appear to be up in the air or reversed in meaning. You will likely be thinking and rethinking how your beliefs have altered over recent time, and how these changes interact with the way that you show up in the world of business, career, and profession. Especially with a current emphasis on your public personna, it makes ultimate sense that your evolutionary progress over the course of a changeful year will have implications for how you see the world around you, and the way that you show up. You may expect significant progress in these matters by the Full Moon near month’s end.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The Taurus New Moon from mid-May, still active for the first ten days of the current month, could be bringing some important changes related to the resources or the support that you get from others. What you give and receive may have come up and you may even have had to sort out financial or legal matters. A process of change is underway and your sense of security and your attachments could be in a state of flux. What once felt solid and established might not be in a state of transition forcing you to redefine what stability means to you.

Then, too, Mercury retrograding through your Higher Mind sector all month long has you introspectively dreaming yourself into new understandings surrounding your beliefs and worldview. Mercury finally escapes its retrograde shadow by the first full week of July.

On the 2nd, Venus, your ruling planet, enters the sign of Cancer where she may emphasize career and vocational matters over the following weeks. Venus trines Jupiter in Pisces on the 3rd, promising ease and pleasure in the pursuits of your passions. You may feel a greater sense of direction with your work which may in turn allow you to see new possibilities and open your mind to a range of different avenues.

Mercury is still moving retrograde in Gemini and squares Neptune from the 4th to the 5th, highlighting a situation or an idea you’ve been trying to refine but can’t quite seem to get a handle on. You may be missing important information that is keeping you from moving ahead but small progress is possible especially if you stay creative with your thinking. Mars in Cancer also opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 4th and 5th also, which could bring a challenging situation at home or at work. You could feel pressured to compromise or you may have an unshakeable desire to succeed. It could be a good opportunity to channel your energies into a constructive outlet.

On June 10th the Solar Eclipse in Gemini takes place while Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun. Eclipses tend to act as important resets and this one is no exception. Mercury is at home in the sign of Gemini and rules over the Eclipse which for you takes place in the sector of your chart that relates to philosophy, spirituality, education and travel. There may be new doors opening in your life requiring you to let go of attitudes or situations that have outlived their purpose. 

Learning or teaching may be highlighted in some ways and it's a good time to keep an open mind when it comes to what’s possible. The Sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on the 13th could add an element of confusion to the mix and you may have to wait until Mercury turns direct on June 22nd before knowing what to prioritize. Give yourself time to reflect and integrate what is shifting in your life and if something seems too good to be true, you may want to make sure you know what’s involved before jumping too quickly into it.

Mars moving into the sign of Leo on the 11th could increase your social interactions and you may have more opportunities to connect with like-minded people in the following weeks.

Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus all month long, and is exact for a second time on June 14th, highlighting an underlying tension between your creative and romantic life and the obligations and contracts that bind you to others. The first of these exact squares between Saturn and Uranus occurred on February 17th and the final one will be on December 24th. Over the current year in general, you may feel a certain level of pressure related to your intimate partnerships without being able to achieve a balance between your needs and the needs of the ones you care about. You may reach a breaking point when it comes to compromising especially with situations that are outside of your control. You may have to establish clear boundaries with others and clarify what you are willing to do for them if you don’t want to end up overextending yourself.

The Sun enters the sign of Cancer on the late evening of the 20th, which signals the longest day and the shortest night of the year, and the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces on the Solstice while Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. There may be a sense of mystical longing surrounding the Solstice as the influence of Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune all carry a romantic, magical and dreamy signature. This may translate for you as a renewed sense of direction and perspective when it comes to your career. You may be able to connect more directly with your sense of purpose and get insights into your long-term visions especially as Mercury stations direct in Gemini on the 22nd.

The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 24th highlights your home sector bringing a process to culminate. You may come to terms with a recent epiphany, feeling ready to close a chapter relating to your family or your home. 

On the 27th, Venus, the traditional ruler of your sign, enters Leo therefore joining Mars in your social sector. This changes the energy that you have for friendships and for groups that you favor, and continues to highlight opportunities you have to connect with like-minded folks, network, and socialize during this end of the month period.

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