Libra Horoscope for March 2021

Libra Horoscope for March 2021

Posted on in Libra |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This March month signals a time of new development for you, Libra. Your creative juices are sizzling as the month begins. You are gradually shaking off the Mercury Retrograde period from last month that has had you questioning facets of your self-expression. You are also beginning to recognize various aspects of what you might consider to be your mission statement for this lifetime. These involve working in concert with others, and you are attempting to more thoroughly explore this understanding. In all this, perhaps the most important thing is that you acknowledge your inward orientation to a form of truth that matches your own deepest principles. You must follow your natural instincts for doing the right thing, both with regard to others, and for the sake of where you yourself are heading. The powerful Full Moon in your sign at nearly month’s end will bring many of these concerns to a head, including the significance your current evolutionary development and the impact of partnership in general on your life path.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month begins with your ruler Venus comfortably transiting in the sign of Pisces where she is considered to be exalted. What this can potentially mean for you is that you could find greater ease for everything that is ruled by Venus. Relationships, art, beauty, aesthetics, music, and pleasure are said to be under her influence, and you may find a renewed sense of appreciation for these things in your life. You may also be able to find your flow when it comes to your work, and more extensively have an easier time managing your daily life. The Sun also transiting in Pisces until the 20th is bringing attention to the sector of your chart that relates to the health of your body and your habits. You may be more aware of the need to bring minor adjustments to your diet or you could be fussier about what goes into your body at this time. The emphasis may be on organizing your life and finishing projects that have been dragging along for a while.

The mid-February New Moon in Aquarius in mid-February saw the beginning of a new cycle in connection with a creative project, a romantic scenario, or perhaps your children. You likely feel loads energy in your creativity, your self-expression and what you put out in the world, plus weight of certain responsibilities and a sense of duties in connection with this area.

Saturn in Aquarius has been in close square with Uranus in the recent Full Moon configuration from just before the beginning of March. This is fading, but still affecting you in terms of greater commitment to your creative self-expression, and also a bit of a conflict between innovation and holding steady to what you’ve got. You may experience a desire to enlarge your scope of influence while also being aware of certain limitations. You may have to strike a balance between your enthusiasm to bring something into the world versus everything that must be accomplished for you to bring something to completion. You may feel quite ambitious while also being preoccupied with seemingly endless minor details which could wind up in frustration or slow but meaningful progress. 

Mars enters Gemini on the evening of the 3rd and will transit there for six weeks. Mars in Gemini has the potential to bring support for your long-term goals, and you could see new developments in terms of what's possible in the weeks ahead. You may find renewed momentum for something slow-moving. Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus at the beginning of the month may bring up an unexpected breakthrough related to an intimate scenario or it could be that an opportunity comes from a close association.

Mercury meets Jupiter in Aquarius on the 3rd to the 5th, which continues to highlight the progress that can be made at this time especially in connection with a creative project or a business idea. You may receive positive feedback for your work. Things may have been progressing slowly since January but you could finally gain a renewed sense of optimism in connection with a project that you are passionate about.

The Sun conjunct Neptune on the 10th may bring up a nebulous issue around your health or you may have a harder time distinguishing between physical and mental tension. You may feel a certain sense of anxiety that is hard to pinpoint as Neptune blurs the clarity that may have come from the Sun.

The New Moon in Pisces on the 13th brings a fresh cycle for all things related to health, your routine, and more extensively how you organize your daily life. The Moon joins Venus and Neptune in Pisces making this New Moon particularly fuzzy. You may feel the need to find better efficiency in your everyday life while also needing to find greater flexibility. You may have to find an innovative way to combine both your need for ease and pleasure with your need for better organization. These two aspects are not irreconcilable but you may have to let go of a few bad habits which in turn can help you reach greater efficiency. Mercury enters Pisces on the 15th could help with finding better ways to manage your schedule in the weeks ahead.

The Sun enters your opposite sign of Aries on the 20th signaling the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Venus is not far behind the Sun, entering Aries on the 21st, and together with the Sun there, this indicates beginning of a new phase in your relationships. This is an exciting time, and could well represent a significant fresh start for you in this important area.

The First Quarter Moon arrives on the same day which could highlight a tension between your career and any partnership agreements. You may have to strike a balance between your ambitions and keeping the peace in a relationship. Mars in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius on the same day; you may be able to see clear progress that can be made related to your personal goals. You could have to sort out your priorities as you try to seize the opportunity for growth available to you while also attending to the demands of a close partner.

The Full Moon in your sign arrives on March 28th and represents another very dynamic and powerful occurrence. Venus, Chiron, and the Sun are closely conjunct in the sign of Aries, just at the time of the Full Moon, which could bring up a difficult relationship dynamic to surface to be resolved. There is an opportunity to bring awareness to hidden fears or inner wounding on the part of yourself or a partner, that could prove fundamental to the deeper issues that permeates a relationship dynamic at this time. However, both parties have to be willing to work together. This final weekend could perhaps highlight the tension between your need to follow your path and a desire to keep the peace at all costs. You might be compromising too much, or not enough and this Full Moon could highlight this polarizing dynamic.

You might come to realize that a relationship is not fulfilling your needs and is in sore need of an adjustment. It could also be that through this partnership, you can heal parts of yourself that have remained hidden. Whatever transpires at the end of March should help you bring greater awareness of what you need from your partnerships at this time.

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