An Intensely Transformational Month of April 2014

An Intensely Transformational Month of April 2014

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of April is quite intense, including two eclipses, and the perfection of the Uranus-Pluto square alignment in a major grand cross in cardinal signs. Uranus and Pluto come together this month in their revolutionary square that has been the hallmark of this contentious decade for the fifth of seven times. In this month's configuration, their perfect square is accentuated by Mars and Jupiter, forming a tight grand cross and rendering the radical energy for transformation and revolutionary/evolutionary change even more powerful. This is a time of great and crucial transformation, as the contradictions in our society become even more clearly recognized, dramatically showcasing the urgent need for meaningful change to take place. This very same process is echoed in our individual lives as well, since each one of us represents a microcosm for the whole.

On April 20th, Easter Sunday, Mars in retrograde, moving backward through Libra, opposes Uranus, at about a degree away, just as Jupiter, sailing through Cancer, arrives at the exact opposite point in the Zodiac to Pluto. The Moon also aligns with Pluto that evening, further highlighting the transformational activity. The exact timing of the square between Uranus and Pluto arrives the next day, Monday, and then Mars aligns exactly on the next, so that the three days of the most transformative power are the 20th through the 22nd. Every day this month leads up to this, although the energy is certainly extremely volatile by the time of the April 15th Full Moon. This is an energetic and somewhat accident-prone time, as well as an opportunity for growth spurts of all kinds. It is also a potentially difficult period, when reactivity could sink your ship, or when inadvertent impulse could lead to unforeseen consequences.

In the week leading up to this Easter weekend, the night of Monday, April 14th brings a midnight Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, taking place at about 3 AM on the east coast and about 12 AM on the west coast of North America, that will be visible over most of the continent. Many will stay up late to see the Moon turn the color of blood as the earth occludes her. This eclipse is astrologically interesting as well, as the Sun and Moon in alignment with the Moon's nodal axis form close declinational aspects to Neptune, with Mars in connection to Chiron and nearing its opposition to Pluto, and with Uranus and Pluto highlighted as well by Mercury in close conjunction with Uranus. To the revolutionary ardor represented by Uranus in combination with Pluto is added the spiritual idealism, and potential confusion, represented by Neptune and the pain of separation from the traditional and known that is symbolized by Chiron, the Wounded Healer, close to Neptune and prominent in this eclipse configuration.

April also partakes of the remaining retrograde of this early spring. Mars is still moving backward through Libra, and opposes Uranus on the 22nd as indicated above. Following the point of interaction with the potent outer planet combinations of the grand cross, Mars continues backward to the tenth degree of Libra before stationing in mid-May, and briefly returns to the point of opposition to Uranus in late June. During this period of the retrograde of Mars, outer achievement seems to take a back seat to deep reflection and inner work on self-recognition and self-realization. We are also over this entire monthly period attempting to get a better idea of how the various relationships and partnering of our lives add to our own experience and where detract, as we are further inspired to follow through on necessary changes to our life's basic structure.

The final eclipse of April takes place at nearly the end of the month, on April 28th. This Solar Eclipse will not be visible in the northern hemisphere, and yet it still counts as an extra-potent New Moon astrologically. Mercury, Mars, Venus and Neptune are all emphasized, so that the month of May that follows will be a time of gathering ourselves and adjusting to the powerful realizations that continue to come through, in collusion with the vital symbolism of these powerful cosmic alignments.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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