An Important Transitional Month of November

An Important Transitional Month of November

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of November features a recovering Mercury, along with Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Although improving nicely, Mercury is still shaky from its recent retrograde that ended on the last full weekend of October, the final of 2014. These happen three times a year, usually in the same element. Mercury's next retrograde will be on January 21st in Aquarius, and all three 2015 occurrences will be in Air signs. On into the current month, Mercury leaves Libra behind, for the second time, on Saturday, November 8th, returning to the sign of Scorpio where it started its retrograde motion in early October, thereby escaping its "retrograde shadow." The last vestiges of this particular retrograde period will then be over. For the remainder of the month we will perhaps still be integrating the lessons learned during this introspective and revealing period of time.

This month as well, Uranus and Pluto are drawing closer to the next hit of their storied square, perfecting in mid-December. They are separated by a mere 2 and 1/4 degrees as the month begins, still less by its close. The Scorpio New Moon eclipse from late October, when the New Moon and Jupiter made quintile aspects to Pluto while retrograde Mercury opposed Uranus, triggered these two powerhouse planets. This month too, they draw nearer to their recurring square, a major theme lately. The final denouement has yet to take place, with the next year representing perhaps the most intense example of their transformative and revolutionary interaction, manifesting on both a collective and a personal level, as this decade of the turbulent teens continues to unfold.

Neptune is equally triggered during this rather intense month, which is actually a transitional time leading to the ending of the year. In addition to its prominence in the Scorpio New Moon configuration, being trined by Sun, Moon and Venus, with a close parallel from Venus to Neptune, there is also the factor of its speed. Neptune stations to direct motion on Saturday, November 15th, standing dead still in the sky. Moving quite slowly now, Neptune is therefore greatly emphasized, changing its position by a matter of only a few minutes of Zodiacal longitude from November 1st through to the 30th. All month we will be enjoying an extra dose of his otherworldly and spacey energy. Idealism bordering on illusion, perhaps confusion, will be the rule rather than the exception.

Expansive Jupiter, traveling through Leo and having a similar spiritual meaning to Neptune, although more engaged in the here-and-now, is also highlighted in November's astrology, being powerfully configured in the recent Scorpio New Moon eclipse. When Jupiter moves into the 22nd degree of the sign of Leo, during the mid-month Last Quarter Moon, with the Moon in close conjunction, Jupiter makes an almost perfect trine with the new planet, Eris, in the 23rd degree of Aries. This recently discovered planetary archetype seems to be involved with a warrior-like stand for deep purpose. This mid-month period is therefore a powerful time, when you might expect to encounter further facets of your own internal fortitude. We all can use a dose of this expansive and visionary energy, along with an increased awareness of deeper process within us, in order that we attune more completely to our soul intention, as we head toward another year of intense and necessary change.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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