A Difficult, Exciting and Changeable August

A Difficult, Exciting and Changeable August

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrology of August features Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Eris and Chiron. Saturn is emphasized this month as a consequence of his station to direct motion, at the very beginning of August, in square with Jupiter, implying that your faith might in some ways be tested during this monthly cycle. Saturn also participates in a remarkable configuration at the timing of the August 6th Last Quarter Moon, with a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Mercury, and retrograde Venus in perfect square with Saturn in late Scorpio. Saturn thus adds concentrated mentation, a sense of restriction, and focus to the investigation of all our relationship activities.

Venus is now in retrograde, as of the last weekend in July (see my recent blog post for more details) and is also very much highlighted in the configurations of August. Venus was square Saturn as it stationed, on August 1st, and will be conjunct the August 14th New Moon that continues the current cycle into the final weeks of the month. Retrograde Venus implies that the areas of life that fall into her purview — love relations, commerce, and as well artistic creativity — all will be up for revision and review as we awaken to our highest vision for ourselves, moving forward.

This is indeed a terrific month for transformation of all kinds, because Pluto, featured in the recent mid-July New Moon by virtue of his opposition by a close Mercury-Mars conjunction, is also prominent in the configurations of August. This is most notable in the Last Quarter Moon of August 6th, when the Sun and Moon aspect Pluto, and in the August 14th New Moon in the last third of Leo, when the Sun and Moon are found in bi-quintile aspect to Pluto, with Mercury in forming trine and Mars in contra-parallel. We have been encouraged all year to make major changes, as an essentially benevolent cosmos keeps repeating the message, and the hour is growing late.

Eris was also extremely prominent in the late-Cancer New Moon from the middle of last month that exactly squared her, while Uranus was slowing down in the sky and getting ready to station a mere three degrees away from a perfect conjunction with Eris. Looking at this significant aspect from one angle, there are surprises in store, especially regarding the way that we align with our deep soul intention, and as well, surprising enlightenment. Prominent Eris magnifies the effects of Uranus, while the Uranus emphasis on Eris implies that in fits of epiphany we are all getting in closer touch with what truly moves us, at soul-level.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also highlighted in this month's configurations, occupying the same degree and minute of mystical Pisces where Uranus stationed in the last decanate of Aries, and symbolizes early wounding that could arise for healing and renewal in the midst of this crucial time. This is an indication that old patterns that you are ready to shuck could arise in a sudden fashion, providing insight, and that the way to get past various problems that reoccur could take the form of a pathway forward, which, in the process, leads you downward, into the very depths of your psyche.

In the midst of another rather intense monthly cycle, we are therefore confronted with what could turn out to be unpleasant realizations. These can however be regarded as a learning experience, and an impetus for change. We certainly have it in us to transform, based on the promptings of our angel guidance, or our deepest intuition, which comes to the same thing in the end. It is not the dreamy result so much as the getting there that deserves our fullest attention. The journey toward wholeness may prove to be its own reward.

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