A Full Moon Eclipse of Renewed Awareness and Studied Action

A Full Moon Eclipse of Renewed Awareness and Studied Action

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday afternoon’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius, taking place on July 27th, is quite significant astrologically for several reasons, the first and most obvious being the eclipse Moon’s close conjunction with retrograde Mars. The cycle of retrograde Mars is thus highlighted, and, to review this, encompasses the entirety of the summer, turning to direct motion in late Capricorn by the 27th of August, and getting beyond its original starting point at 9 degrees plus of Aquarius only by October 9th. That’s a lot of time to reflect upon where our assertiveness is taking us, and why. This question gets to the heart of determining our purpose here on planet earth, this time around. The early degree of Aquarius and Leo occupied by Sun and Moon in this eclipse configuration also aspect several other planets, notably making a T-square to Uranus in the third degree of Taurus, greatly highlighting the presence of his trickster energy. As we attempt in vain to come to completion, fighting the Mars and Saturn retrogrades, now in semi-sextile aspect with each other, things are likely to go even further south. Along with a continuation of amazing events and total surprises we may want to look for unexpected enlightenment “in the strangest of places.”

Along with retrograde Mars, the Sun and Moon in this eclipse configuration thus aspect Uranus, as well as Saturn, giving indication that the implicit polarity of our social situation offers no sign of letting up, but rather intensifying. Jupiter strongly aligns with numinous, spiritual, and potentially confusing Neptune as well. The Sun and Moon also aspect Chiron the Wounded Healer, at the same degree of Aries that Uranus occupies in Taurus, symbolizing both the angst that we feel regarding our situation, on both personal and collective levels, and also the path toward healing these issues through greater self-understanding, compassion, trust, and love.

Mercury, now retrograde, aspects both ends of a long-lasting Eris-Haumea opposition, by trine and sextile, while prominent Pluto in Capricorn is the focus of a T-square from these two newly named planets. Their meaning takes some explaining, since these brand-new planetary archetypes, though powerful in their effects, are unknown to most astrologers. Eris at her best represents a feminine warrior energy in support of soul intention, as I have shown in my book upon this subject, The Tenth Planet. When disconnected to one’s deep purpose, this archetype can be disruptive without having much of a point, and therefore can be contentious and trouble making. I prefer to look to the highest, and in this regard the strong Eris placements over the past two years indicate that it is time, or beyond time, to get to know yourself in these deeper layers, to find out in what you most sincerely believe, and to put yourself out there by making a strong stand for this set of values. Haumea, another new planet beyond Pluto in the Kuiper belt, and named for the creation goddess of the Hawaiian culture, responsible for the vast array of plant and animal life to be found in these islands, represents – as her mythology would suggest – a profound connection to Nature. Haumea is also the mother of Pele, goddess of the active lava flow also found there, that has been kicking up quite a storm lately. The May 15th Taurus New Moon also activated this opposition, which is when the eruptions became much more serious. Eris and Haumea combined indicate that earth connection and environmental issues may be coming even more greatly to the fore in this 2018 timing, as we experience a fulcrum year in the lead-up to the massive cultural transformations of 2020.

The Sabian Symbols for the Sun and Moon in this potent eclipse line-up are quite interesting, especially in light of the above. They are, for the Sun, in the 5th degree of Leo (4 plus degrees) “Rock formations at the edge of a precipice,” which might remind us of issues of earth and environment. Marc Edmund Jones, writing in the 1920’s, references “reality in crisis, offering a challenge to [humankind] as it pyramids in ramifying involvements until action or decision becomes an immediate necessity.” He goes on to assert that “there is no possible sustainment of individuality without an acceptance of difficulty as significant, and the accompanying realization that every shift in orientation is a demand for some enlarged self-discovery.” For the Moon, in the same degree of Aquarius, we find, “A council of ancestors,” which can be taken for the accumulated wisdom of humankind. Jones states, “The emphasis here is on the individual as challenge to the world at large… power through absolute self-integrity.” Indeed, it is high time for the arrival of a new form of statesmanship, one that takes as its genesis the chorus of individual voices expressing a total integrity of purpose and action.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

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