A December Month of Accentuated Polarities and Crazy Wisdom

A December Month of Accentuated Polarities and Crazy Wisdom

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This December month features a potent Solar Eclipse at nearly it’s very beginning, taking place late on the evening of Friday the 3rd, Pacific Time, and is yet another wild and wooly outer-planet-activated time period, to end a climactic 2021 year. Most notably, Venus conjuncts Pluto within one degree for 20 days of this month, due to the timing of her retrograde in Capricorn, just a degree away from Pluto’s position. This takes place from the 8th to the 28th, so right through the Christmas holiday, which will this year be a celebration of the transformation of relationship and values, perhaps in keeping with the pandemic – stubbornly hanging on it seems, for yet another winter season. This extra-potent New Moon also features a conjunction between the Sun and Moon with Mercury, and we will see both sides of this logical and yet also trickster energy as December continues to unfold. The Gemini Full Moon of the weekend of the 18th and 19th is another quite potent lunation, with Saturn in forming square to Uranus, coming back for the third and last time, and with a strong presence of all three of the new planets recently discovered and named, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea. This latter factor indicates fresh perspectives on what we as a culture are up to at the deeper levels of manifestation, as we enter what is sure to be another difficult and transformational year of 2022.

In the New Moon and Solar Eclipse of Friday evening, December 3rd, or the early morning of the 4h, depending on your location, there are already incipient beginnings of the major archetypal energy combinations that reach their peak on the weekend of the 18th . Saturn squares Uranus within 2 ½ degrees and in forming aspect, with Saturn in direct motion while Uranus moving retrograde. Venus is also approaching her conjunction with Pluto within 3 degrees. The Sun and Moon are in tight inconjunct (or quincunx) aspect to Uranus, while Mars is in partile inconjunct to Eris at 23 Aries. With Uranus once again featured in this eclipse New Moon, as it was in the previous Scorpio New Moon when Sun and Moon closely opposed Uranus, we might see further synchronicities and unusual events providing unexpected revelations. Also, in the configuration of this extra-potent New Moon, Eris is in close square to the Venus/Pluto midpoint, while Makemake is in exact partile opposition to Chiron and square Saturn within a degree. Haumea at 29 Libra is in a close semi-square with Mercury. The strength of these new planetary archetypes here is a precursor to the configuration of the Gemini Full Moon of two weeks hence.

In the Gemini Full Moon, with the Sun and Moon at 27 ½ degrees of their respective signs of Sagittarius and Gemini, The Moon is in close trine to Haumea, still at 29 ½ Libra, while the Sun is sextile. The opposition of Haumea to Chiron at 8 ½ degrees of Aries is made far stronger by the station of Chiron to direct motion on the 19th. Venus stations retrograde at 26 ½ Capricorn, also on the morning of the 19th, less than one degree away from Pluto, with Eris in square. What these alignments of new planets have to share with us is nothing less than a new way of seeing the world, and our place in it.

Eris, a Feminine Warrior energy in support of soul intention, urges each and every one of us to stand up and be counted for what we most deeply believe, taking action as we see necessary. This is vital if we are to save ourselves from environmental and political destruction. Meanwhile, these other two new planetary archetypes, Makemake and Haumea, seem to reflect “profound connection to Nature,” with Makemake the more activist of the two, as my research has over and over again shown. They represent a way of approaching life as a concerted effort to remain in harmony with the Earth and her denizens, including the humans, as was first articulated in the volatile 1960s and is in some circles becoming more and more accepted. Only in this evolution, I feel, will we begin the necessary regeneration of our modern 21st century civilization, although it will take years.

Also in the Full Moon, Saturn and Uranus are also less than a degree away from their square alignment, which is exact on December 23rd. This symbolizes the ideological divide that we have seen exemplified in recent months by the sharp polarity of right wing versus left wing, here in the U.S. and also in other countries, which therefore shows absolutely no sign of letting up, but rather will likely intensify over the coming weeks and months. This aspect is even closer to exact in the Capricorn Solstice chart of December 21st, with the Sun at 0 Capricorn, signaling the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, a chart considered to represent a precursor for the 2022 year ahead.

It seems that we will have more of the same political divisions in the coming year as we have been unfortunate enough to see violently enacted up to now, until such time in the perhaps distant future when we can come together as a society with a new and more inclusive vision of unity with not only the humans but with the planet itself, and all her creatures.

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