A July Month of Consolidation and Integration

A July Month of Consolidation and Integration

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This rather exciting month of July, punctuated with many inner-planet-to-outer planet aspects and three powerful lunations, follows upon a confusing, distracting, and introspective June month, when the retrograde of Mercury through its home sign of Gemini dominated the mental landscape. Mercury Retrograde periods are known for the prevalence of missed connections and mechanical breakdown, and more significantly for deep self-reflection. We have all been asking ourselves important questions of what our life is based upon, and, indeed, where we are headed, especially in the area of our natal charts that the last half Gemini occupies. Mercury turned retrograde just before the beginning of June at 24 + degrees of Gemini and stationed to direct motion on June 22nd, at 16, and will finally escape its retrograde shadow, completing the retrograde period, by the 7th of July. Until then we will still be in a somewhat tentative time frame, waiting, as it were, along with the characters in Samuel Beckett’s iconic play, for Godot to appear. The Cancer New Moon on the following Friday, taking place in the early to late evening of July 9th, signals a new beginning, and features an interesting configuration of outer planet energies.

For one thing, Saturn in square alignment with revolutionary Uranus remains quite active in this New Moon timing, and continues to present us with the paradoxical mandate to apply attitudes that are simultaneously both conservative and rebellious toward the existing status quo of our situation. Saturn is in the sign that Uranus rules in its modern rulership, while Uranus remains in the Earth sign of Taurus, so that there is something of a reversal, or a mutual interdependence, to the square of these two outer planets which significantly characterizes the 2021 year. We can see this dichotomy reflected in the politics of the day, especially here in the U.S. when the far right and the progressive left seem as far from cooperating or compromising with each other as they have ever been; and yet, somehow an accommodation must be made if we are to move forward as a nation.

Transformation as individuals and as a society is also evident in the prominence of the quite active Pluto archetype in the current astrology. The Cancer New Moon features the Sun in close parallel with Pluto, with the Sun and Moon generally opposed to the Pluto position in late Capricorn, and Mercury in Gemini, having escaped its retrograde shadow, in quincunx to Pluto. Meanwhile, the fact that the New Moon configuration, Venus is conjunct Mars and square Uranus indicates that innovative relationship with others holds one key to our continued societal evolution.

We also can see a resurgence of the T-square from Eris in Aries opposed to the new planet Haumea in Libra, both in close square to Pluto in Capricorn. This was notable last summer also, when it was in configuration with Saturn-Pluto, and while it then signaled the surge of the Covid situation in that 2020 summer timing. To me, these new planets in alignment with transformational Pluto signal that certain aspects of their symbolism are vital to the societal evolution of our times. Eris represents a Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention, and indicates that it is up to each and every one of us to take up the necessary actions to forge a new and more diverse society that is in the birthing. In particular, with regard to Covid, the actions of each individual are vitally important in order to maintain “social distancing,” masking as necessary, and getting vaccinated in order to stop the spread. The vaccine hesitancy in this country and around the world, while a demonstration of the freedom of everybody in their health decisions, is also an alarming indication for our ability to stop the deadly pandemic still raging in many parts of the world, and in certain areas of the U.S. also. Meanwhile Haumea, representing profound connection to Nature, and to natural law, including right action and right relationship, is also a vital archetype for our time, when care of the Earth and all its creatures, and fairness to all its human inhabitants, has never been more urgent, and must be a cornerstone of the evolving 21st-century society that is being born out of the chaos of the present moment.

We are at the crossroads, individually and as a culture, and many are questioning where we are going and when we are likely to arrive at a better place. The answer to these questions lies inside each one of us. We can be guided by the astrological indications, but also by the depth of our own intuition, as we face the powerful political currents of our times. We must not let ourselves be sidetracked, but rather speak out and stand up for what we most deeply believe. And the final result that we collectively achieve is, ultimately, up to the strength of our conviction that we can overcome the difficulties of the present moment and seize our birthright as citizens of a free, diverse, and more just society.

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