Mercury Retrograde October 2020: Rebirth and Relationship

Mercury Retrograde October 2020: Rebirth and Relationship

Mercury Retrograde is here, again, from October 13th until November 3rd in the signs of Scorpio and Libra. Mercury's escape from its retrograde shadow takes another two weeks, until November 19th. While there are many things to be considered about this astrological phenomenon, in this article I will be focusing on the energetic and spiritual dimension of this...

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A Last Quarter of Misinformation and Spiritual Opportunity

A Last Quarter of Misinformation and Spiritual Opportunity

This Friday’s late afternoon Last Quarter Moon at 17 + degrees of Cancer – taking place early morning Saturday, October 10th, for Europe and points east – is quite special, being perfectly trine deceptive Neptune, while Jupiter lies in partile sextile to Neptune, and with the Sun making an inconjunct or quincunx aspect to this oceanic and...

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A Full Moon of Surprises, Polarities, and Sensitivities

A Full Moon of Surprises, Polarities, and Sensitivities

The Full Moon of October 1st takes place at 9 degrees of Aries, highlighting elements of vitality and passion in our human experience. When the Moon visits this cardinal Fire sign, we may find a surge in the intensity of our primal urges and desire nature. The Aries Full Moon comes along every Libra Season, as a Full Moon is always exactly opposite the Sun....

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The Astrology of the Covid Cultural Reset with Eris-Pluto

The Astrology of the Covid Cultural Reset with Eris-Pluto

When astrologers from a few years back were looking ahead, they were wondering about what this 2020 year would bring, because they knew that there were powerful and unprecedented conjunctions of outer planets taking place from January on. What they saw looking forward was capped by a triple combination of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, peaking in mid-November. Right...

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New Moon in Virgo – In Service to Collective Evolution

New Moon in Virgo – In Service to Collective Evolution

The time of the New Moon is upon us, and we are given another chance to renew our intention amidst the intense evolutionary churning of our time. This New Moon is at the 25-degree mark of Virgo, the zodiac sign that signals the time of the harvest, and offers us the task of differentiating between that which is good and nourishing from that which is not meant for...

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