Venus in Scorpio: Connection, Vulnerability, and Truth

Venus in Scorpio: Connection, Vulnerability, and Truth

Venus, our lovely planetary goddess of beauty, connection, and earthly delight is transitioning from Libra to Scorpio on October 8th, and will be there for the rest of the month. Tracking the movement of Venus through the zodiac can be likened to checking the weather for the relational and social fabric of our lives. Whatever sign Venus is traveling through tends...

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A Libra New Moon of Connection & Evolutionary Unfolding

A Libra New Moon of Connection & Evolutionary Unfolding

The New Moon in Libra, coming to exact on Saturday, Sept 28th at 11:26 am Pacific time, arrives on the autumn breeze with potentials for connection, healing, and unexpected awakenings and revelations. This New Moon, at 5 + degrees of the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, is precisely inconjunct to Uranus, the Awakener, the energy that astrologer Jeff Green called...

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An Equinox of Connective Healing & Re-Balancing

An Equinox of Connective Healing & Re-Balancing

The Equinox is upon us, signaling the changing of the seasons, for the Northern Hemisphere the turning of Summer to Autumn, while for the Southern Hemisphere it is the turning of to Winter to Spring. In astrological terms, this marks the Sun's ingress (entrance) into the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, which occurs this year on September 23rd at around midnight...

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A Full Moon of Bridging the Spiritual and the Mundane

A Full Moon of Bridging the Spiritual and the Mundane

The Moon ripens to fullness September 13th at 9:33pm pacific time, at 21º+ of Pisces. This Full Moon follows the New Moon in Virgo, and brings to fruition those themes that have been at play all September, since that time. The Full Moon phase is in any case a time of culmination and ripening regarding whatever issues or energies were bubbling up in the...

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A First Quarter Moon of both Expansion and Contraction

A First Quarter Moon of both Expansion and Contraction

The First Quarter Moon of the late evening of Thursday, September 5th, early morning the 6th for Europe and point further east, is quite a fascinating one. This is because in the midst of the usual somewhat stressful Sun-Moon square alignment, we find as well that the Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct optimistic and future-oriented Jupiter, highlighting...

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