  Spiritual Impulse Meets Practical Necessity

Spiritual Impulse Meets Practical Necessity

Sunday’s First Quarter Moon brings many of the astrological factors together that have been enlivening recent lunations – and our own social and individual lives – for many months now. That is because the Sun and Moon, at 19 + degrees of Gemini and Virgo, closely aspect Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto! With all three of the traditional...

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A Gemini New Moon of Relational Transformation

A Gemini New Moon of Relational Transformation

Monday morning’s Gemini New Moon, taking place at 12 + degrees of the sign, emphasizes once again the Pluto Saturn alignment, now fading but still quite potent, and also brings relationship-oriented Venus into the picture of the transformational energies that have been active all this year. Venus in her own sign of Taurus aligns by trine with Pluto and by...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Awakening to Truth

A Last Quarter Moon of Awakening to Truth

The May 26th Last Quarter Moon is a subtle call to inspiration and higher consciousness as an intense lunation cycle of May draws to its conclusion. This final lunar phase is the time when the brilliant light of the Moon is three quarters of the way in its journey of ultimately fading back into darkness. We symbolically see this as a time of letting go,...

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A Scorpio Full Moon of Intuition, Relationship, and Enlightenment

A Scorpio Full Moon of Intuition, Relationship, and Enlightenment

The Scorpio Full Moon taking place in the afternoon of Saturday, May 18th, late afternoon or evening for points further east, brings the two feminine signs of Taurus and Scorpio to bear upon each other. For at this lunation the Sun is in the fixed Earth sign of Taurus while the Moon is in the fixed Water sign of Scorpio, and we see both a heightened culmination of...

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A First Quarter Moon of Staying the Course

A First Quarter Moon of Staying the Course

Saturday’s First Quarter Moon in Leo, taking place on the early to late evening of May 11th, depending on time zone, continues many of the themes of the recent New Moon, with Pluto, representing transformation and personal evolution through letting go, still quite prominent, and with Saturn remaining nearby, about 2 ½ degrees away, and closely...

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