A Libra Full Moon of Transition, Peace, and Trust

A Libra Full Moon of Transition, Peace, and Trust

On March 20th, 2019 the Aries Equinox coincides with a Full Moon in Libra, providing us a powerful day of earth magic and celestial influences. The time of the Vernal Equinox (spring in the northern hemisphere) denotes an important turning point in our earth’s yearly cycle, where the day equals the night, and is a time of sacred significance of balance,...

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A First Quarter Moon of Staying the Course

A First Quarter Moon of Staying the Course

Thursday morning’s First Quarter Moon, taking place in the sign of Gemini on March 14th, is in many ways a follow-up to the very dramatic Pisces New Moon from last week. Pluto is once again emphasized, an indication that the transformational life direction that is being promoted by these mid-March astrological currents in both individual and collective terms...

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A Pisces New Moon of Surprise Enlightenment

A Pisces New Moon of Surprise Enlightenment

Wednesday morning’s Pisces New Moon, taking place on March 6th, is quite a potent lunation, featuring all three classic outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, known to be fundamentally transformational in their symbolism. Uranus, the Awakener, opens you up to novel possibilities in your life, which implies new ways to escape old ruts. Neptune, the...

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Mercury Retrograde March 2019: Reflections of Transcendence

Mercury Retrograde March 2019: Reflections of Transcendence

From March 5th to 28th, 2019 Mercury will be retrograde through the sign of Pisces, and will escape its shadow period on April 16th. This Mercury Retrograde takes place in quite a mystical mode, considering both its sojourn entirely within the sign of Pisces, and its conjunction with Neptune at the time of its station to direct motion on March 28th....

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Venus in Aquarius:  Awakening to Meaningful Connection

Venus in Aquarius: Awakening to Meaningful Connection

Venus, our planetary goddess of connection, beauty and values, will be making her journey through Aquarius from March 1st to March 25th, 2019. Ah, freedom-loving Aquarius, the sign where expansive views and quests for innovative brilliance ensue! As Venus makes her transition from the sign of Capricorn, where she has been far more confined, submitting to the...

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