A First Quarter Moon of Connection & Divine Embrace

A First Quarter Moon of Connection & Divine Embrace

Tuesday morning’s First Quarter Moon in Capricorn, taking place on October 16th, brings some interesting new energy to bear on the Libra lunar cycle that has been underway for the previous week. The outer planet energies that were then highlighted remain active now, as we enter the next major phase of the cycle. If you follow along with the cycles of the...

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A Libra New Moon of Taking the Bull by the Horns

A Libra New Moon of Taking the Bull by the Horns

Monday evening’s New Moon at the middle degree of Libra, taking place late on October 8th, is a study in paradox. Venus rules the Sun and Moon in Libra, and yet Venus is now moving backward, through the muddy waters of Scorpio, headed for her Heliacal Rise as the Morning Star in the final degrees of Libra on November 1st. We are, all of us, searching for the...

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An Aries Full Moon of Troubling Realization and Concrete Action

An Aries Full Moon of Troubling Realization and Concrete Action

Monday evening’s Full Moon in early Aries takes place at 7:52 PM on September 24th, PDT, and of course this would be late evening in Washington DC, early morning the next day in Europe and points east. The two quite significant features of this Full Moon configuration are the conjunction of the Moon with Chiron at the Aries Point, and the T-square that the...

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Happy Libra Season!

Happy Libra Season!

On September 22nd, 2018, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra! It is also that special day of the year when the day is equal to the night- the Equinox. The Sun will move through Libra until October 22nd, at which point it will move into the next sign of Scorpio. About Libra: Libra is the sign of harmony and relationship. The Sun in Libra is at the time...

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The Sagittarius First Quarter Moon: Living In Our Brilliance

The Sagittarius First Quarter Moon: Living In Our Brilliance

The First Quarter Moon is the time in each lunar cycle when the light coming to us from the Moon is growing (waxing), and when we are asked to tend diligently and assertively to the seeds we are sewing and growing during the lunar cycle thus far. This lunar phase also marks the moment when the Moon makes a 90º square aspect to the Sun. Square aspects...

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