A First Quarter Moon of Navigation and Transformation

A First Quarter Moon of Navigation and Transformation

Tuesday's First Quarter Moon is an interesting and rather intense lunation, thus completely in keeping with the overall tenor of these times. With the Sun and Moon in Pisces and Gemini, respectively, we find Mercury, ruler of the sign that holds the Moon, perfectly opposed to Jupiter in mid-Virgo, while making a sextile and a trine to Pluto in the same degree of...

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Chiron and the Lunar Nodes: Healing Our Past, Envisioning Future

Chiron and the Lunar Nodes: Healing Our Past, Envisioning Future

The Sun represents vitality, and Chiron represent the Wounded Healer archetype. On March 11, 2016, with the Sun conjunct Chiron in Pisces, we all may be in closer consideration of our own wounding and painful life lessons. At the same degree of Pisces we also find the South Node. Nodes are symbolic of karmic paths- the South Node signifies where we are...

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A Pisces New Moon Eclipse of Darkness and Light

A Pisces New Moon Eclipse of Darkness and Light

This Tuesday we have an especially powerful New Moon that is also a solar eclipse, and this serves to remind us that we are in the midst of great societal and personal transformation. This is because the eclipse degree, the 19th of Pisces, simultaneously aspects Uranus and Pluto in their square alignment, active over this entire decade of the "turbulent teens," and...

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A Grounded and Structurally Transformative Full Moon

A Grounded and Structurally Transformative Full Moon

Monday morning's Full Moon in Virgo, opposite the Sun in the early degrees of Pisces, marks an important opening for further transformation to take place for each one of us, and in the life of the collective that surrounds us, with specifically an emphasis on the changing structures of systems and beliefs that we are seeing as a fundamental part of this new...

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Happy Pisces Season!

Happy Pisces Season!

February 18th, 2016, the Sun moves into the sign of Pisces! Here's some information about this astrological archetype: Pisceans are friendly and likable, and yet can be very moody and introspective as well. Pisces is a watery sign, concerned with subtle emotions and secret mystical depths. Pisceans are not entirely at home in this world. They may at times...

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