Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2016

Sagittarius Horoscope for June 2016

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another month of intensity for you, Sagittarius, when the changes that you are in the midst of are truly up for you. You continue to be in fortunate circumstances career-wise, due to your ruler, Jupiter, being greatly emphasized once again and located at the very top of your chart, and yet with Saturn also very much in this picture as well, you are facing some rigorous restrictions and authority issues also. Your freedom-loving self might have to compromise on some of the wilder flights of imagination that tickle your fancy. Relationship is another area of your life with great rewards and benefits for you this month, and yet also with illusions and potentially confusion for you to work through as well. Somehow you must find your way through these somewhat trying fantasies to the reality that underlies them, and to the true gold of inner knowing.

As the month begins, with a Venus-Sun conjunction in your opposite sign, symbolizing relationship, shining brightly in opposition to Saturn in your own, you are grateful and grounded by the presence of others in your life, fulfilling you in many ways and carrying you onward like a river to your particular and highly individual destiny. This grows through the first week, to the weekend, when the New Moon kicks the ball even higher between the goal posts. Meanwhile, in your sector of identity, creativity and self-expression you encounter Uranus bolstered by Eris, lending deep soul connection to the inspiration to be different and to leave behind those parts of past behaviors that no longer work for you. This vision is capped by transformational Pluto in your sector of values, implying that a changing seascape there is allowing you to float ever higher toward what will come to be seen by you as an inevitable shift, in favor of what is most alive for you at the very core of your being.

All this month, your intuition is operating on overdrive, and what comes through is related to unseen areas beyond and below the surface layers of your routine consciousness. Your watchword is that when you better understand yourself at all levels, this gifts you with an excellent opportunity to add to your storehouse of knowledge, including self-knowledge, and this in turn grants you the power to be yourself. All this is available to you on the inside. With Mars now retrograding through your sector of unconscious process, stationing there at month's end in combination with Uranus and Pluto, you are bound to eclipse previous high-water marks of personal evolution. Meditation pays enormous dividends for you now, keeping you sane, and allowing you to more fully experience what is happening for you on the inside. No Internet search could ever reveal the width of the information that comes to you in this way; this is entirely free of static once you tune in.

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