Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2017

Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an unusual month for you, Sagittarius, filled with emotional stirrings of soul-level progress more than surface play. This is not dire but it is deeply felt. There is transformation involved for you in this month’s happenings, as you turn more directly inward. Your finances or your attitude toward your resources could also be affected. The recent Cancer New Moon represents, for you, a time of greater intimacy with partners, or with the potential for relationship, along with becoming more familiar with your own vast inner realms. As circumstances require you to delve within, feelings of resistance could come up although you do well to move beyond these knee-jerk reactions to a more profound exploration of what you hold on the inside. This takes intuition rather than logical analysis. Your life course forward is equally involved, as you navigate these tricky waters and attempt to make your future path more fully aligned with inner values.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Sagittarians literally live out the phrase, “It’s not journey, not the destination that matters.” And yet, as anyone who has done a good bit of dating will tell you, this phrase doesn’t seem to reassure anyone when it comes to the promise of commitment in relationships! Even the most free-spirited people, in time, refine and define their commitments, and for Sagittarians this has been happening at a very deep level ever since December of 2014, when Saturn entered your sign to stay until the end of this year. Saturn in your first house can feel like a drag since your typical, Jupiterian MO embodies adventure, freedom, charm, and charisma. Saturn brings seriousness, focus, maturity, wisdom, and weightiness, and this month these themes will be put into a dynamic opposition with Venus in your seventh house of love and relationships.

Venus enters Gemini, and your seventh house, around July 4th and will stay in your seventh house the rest of the month, slowly moving into an opposition with Saturn by the 24th and 25th of July. Venus in Gemini in your seventh house brings a flirtatious, outgoing, sociable, and artistic or even erotic energy into your relationships this month. If you’re single you might find that you have several opportunities to meet new people, go out on dates, or get out and have a good time. If you’re in a committed relationship, then you might find that your love life is heating up a bit this month, or that you’re going out and having a good time together, or that your partner is having a particularly good month, or that you’re seeing your relationship with new eyes. However, as the month unfolds and the opposition sets in, watch for the tension between Venus and Saturn to increase.

Venus opposite Saturn can reflect a time for deeper conversations about commitment in your relationships. Or it can signify a time where your beliefs and ideological, spiritual, or philosophical differences are coming to the forefront. It may also reflect a period in which you are having to withhold or choose very carefully about how you spend your time and energy socially, or when to give and when to withhold your time, attention, and focus from others. Even though Sagittarians are some of the most charming and jovial folks of the zodiac, right now you are living through the culmination of a long period of inner work, a period where the clarification of your beliefs, commitments and personal needs has been unavoidably important, and inside things have been quite serious.

On a deeper level, this month’s focus on commitment and values or value differences in relationships is just a prelude for August’s eclipses, which will be taking place in your ninth house of religion, spirituality, higher learning, long journeys, and beliefs. Stay tuned because next month’s astrology is one of your biggest forecasts of the year! In the meantime, good luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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