Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2018

Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This turning of the year is a crucial pivot point for you, Sagittarius. This is the time when everything that has been rolling around in your head over the past month can come to a new synthesis, if you are ready to allow it to. You have been reconceptualizing your identity as an actor on the world stage, attempting to see where you are aiming, and how your activity in support of true ultimate goals can help society to evolve in the right way. What also comes into this is partnering with important others, as well as with the deep unconscious parts of you, so that you have a profound stake in the game, top to bottom. The inspiration is there to consecrate your finances and your values into a new form of creative output that will align in a positive framework of studied advancement toward a better future for yourself and for everyone around you.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Sagittarius! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your second house of money, resources, and “hopes for future gain” for the next two to three years.

This is a welcome change for Sagittarians this month. Saturn has been in your first house dating all the way back to December of 2014, which means it’s been a tough season of Saturn’s lessons in your life. We do a lot of growing and maturing when Saturn comes to stay in our first houses, as Saturn usually marks both endings and beginnings, both pain and reform, while journeying through the first house. Now you’re ready for an entirely new season of life as Saturn makes its way into your second house. Traditionally, the second house was related to a person’s fields or crops and what harvest and wealth they might bring. If you look at a birth chart you will notice that the second sign of the birth chart is always the one directly following the first sign, in zodiacal order. Ancient astrologers thus observed that whatever was in the second house, by means of the daily rotation of the earth on its axis (called the primary motion of the sky), would become the first house, “in time.” Because the first house was related to the individual’s body, health, and overall life direction, the second was related to everything the native might need in life and everything the native might hope to “grow or develop” and see the fruits of, in the future. Thus, you are moving into a very long period that will be emphasizing finances, resources, possessions, and growing things. Saturn in the second sometimes adds to our life by eliminating, reducing or simplifying things. Saturn is a planet of austerity and conservation, so it’s a good time to reduce excessive or unnecessary spending, or any kind of frivolous or toxic lifestyle patterns. Saturn is also literally called “the lord of time,” and is also related to strong, practical foundations. It is therefore a great time to develop the foundation of something. It might take a long time, a lot of work, and a lot of patience, but Saturn in the second over the next few years promises fiery Sagittarians that the wait will be worth it!

The first of the month will feature a Full Moon in Cancer in the eighth house. The eighth house was traditionally a house associated with passive income, or a spouse or partner’s money. It was also related generally to anxiety or fear about the future, and death, penalties or endings, as eighth house planets prepare to set and disappear into the underworld in the next house to come (the seventh house). A Full Moon in the eighth house to start the month may therefore indicate that you are diving into the shadows to start the month, perhaps exploring taboo or unconscious emotional or ancestral patterns, or doing some deeper healing work. It’s a house that has long been associated with karmic “penalties,” but usually only in association with those who don’t have a healthy amount of fear or reverence for the voice of their own conscience. It’s therefore a very important time to explore your fears and doubts while listening closely to the voice of your highest self, which is always providing you with all the guidance you need to safely and joyfully navigate all of life’s challenges. It’s also a time that may naturally involve fated or destined events in your spouse or partner’s life, or perhaps related to other people’s income or shared resources.

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin with Jupiter in your twelfth house of self-undoing, prisons, hospitals, and shipwreck. Sounds like a pretty dark set of topics, right' But behind the twelfth house is the gateway to a profound mystical truth. If you can accept the suffering of the world, if you can learn to live with it rather than in denial of it, then you have also discovered a source of joy that is beyond the ups and downs of this world. There is perhaps no better place to come to terms with the reality of suffering than the twelfth house. With Mars and Jupiter together in the twelfth you might be feeling called to a mystical retreat or a spiritual cleanse. You might be overdoing things or being too impulsive. Or, you might be answering a call to address suffering at large in the world. The Mars/Jupiter conjunction is a heroic transit, but it can also be a boastful and “pride cometh before a fall” kind of transit. Be aware of the difference this month, and you should be just fine!

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and immediately conjoin Saturn in your second house. This marks a good time for signing agreements, coming to terms or negotiating terms with someone, or purchasing or committing to something you hope to produce good returns in the future. It’s a good time for investing in technology, cars, or education, if you must, mostly because Saturn is very well dignified right now in your second house of “purchases.”

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your second house, and in conjunction with Venus. Issues of security and resources may well come up for you, including financial ones that could receive a burst of unexpected energy. You are off to a fresh start in many areas and your entire relationship to materialism might be changing in the next thirty days of this cycle.

On January 18th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your third house of communication, siblings, short journeys, and the mind. This is a wonderful transit for writing, speaking, media, and blogging projects or other forms of personal creativity. It’s a lovely transit for making peace or cultivating close friendships, traveling to see people you are close with, or fostering your relationship with your siblings. It’s also possible that a sibling is falling in love this month, or maybe even getting married! Venus in the third house is also a natural time to speak your truth to the world. You will most likely find that others are eager to embrace you and deeply appreciative of your quirkiness and enthusiasm.

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius and move into your first house. This is a really invigorating transit. At this time, you may feel like you’re ready to start a new project, get back to the gym, burn off calories, sweat, and exert yourself. It’s also not uncommon, if you’ve been stagnant for some time, to pick up one of those winter colds that forces you to get back to healthy town, so be careful and prepare yourself for this transit by staying active and healthy all month long. Mars in your first house is also somewhat impulsive and possibly confrontational. Be careful of unnecessary fights, debates, or power struggles, and otherwise enjoy the fire of Mars and use it creatively. Mars in the first house almost always empowers us to start fresh and to feel inspired again wherever it’s needed!

Finally, the Lunar Eclipse of the 31st, in Leo and therefore your ninth house of higher mind, brings an emotional awareness to your philosophical leanings and inspires you to allow spiritual factors to be at the heart of everything that you say and do. This is a tall order to fulfill, and yet you are quite likely to make progress toward this goal in the weeks and months ahead, as you voyage further into what will undoubtedly prove to be an exciting year for you.

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