Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2019

Sagittarius Horoscope for November 2019

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another edgy month for you, Sagittarius, when your inner world speaks to you far more clearly than your outer, and when unexpected events in the midst of your day-to-day existence lead you to further revelations of an interior kind. Things in the 3D physical world have been going well, and you are making progress with your normal activities, such as health regimens, and yet you are, in some hidden portion of your being, departing from this grounded place and soaring high over the clouds, reaching for the end of the rainbow. You are simultaneously feeling a commitment to real world actualization of what you are dreaming. Your future is suddenly calling you in all these different directions, and you have the joy of unleashing your creativity along with some fears regarding your process. These can then become interesting challenges to work through and rise above. As the month unfolds, your plans are fluid and productive especially when you can manage a thoughtful rearrangement of your priorities in favor of inner development.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School in his final month with us. Adam has decided that other obligations of his must take precedence. We are grateful for his steady support of our astrological content for the past two years!

The month begins just after a New Moon in Scorpio (from October 27th) landed in your twelfth house of dissolution opposite Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house of work and service. The theme of unexpected emotional releases, as well as the need for emotional healing or even recovery from old traumas will therefore continue to be highlighted in the weeks to come, perhaps accompanied by surprising events that trigger unexpected enlightenment in these areas.

The month also begins just as Mercury is turning retrograde (November 1st) in Scorpio in your twelfth house. The Mercury Retrograde period lasts through November 20th, and beyond. Be careful of getting sucked in by unhealthy mental or emotional patterns from your past and avoid gossip or unhealthy secrets in your relationships. It’s also a great time for solitude, down time, and quiet. Taking time to listen and go inward regularly right now will lead to personal growth and healing in the weeks ahead.

Also on November 1st, Venus enters your sign, bring a loving and spiritualizing energy to your very sense of identity, and as well to future plans and ideals of service.

Between November 1st and 6th, also, Mars in Libra in your eleventh house of friends and allies will square Pluto in Capricorn in your second house of income and resources. Hard work and cooperation with like-minded friends, groups, or allies will pay off right now. At the same time, you may be facing diplomatic challenges or realizing that you have serious differences with others that need to be addressed head on before real progress can be made.

Between November 6th and 9th, the Sun in Scorpio in your twelfth house will trine Neptune in Pisces in your fourth house of home and family, bringing the emotional shadow work you are doing this month in direct contact with the house of home and family. There is likely a very deep history tied to the changes happening this month, so it will be even more important that you are taking time out to process your thoughts and feelings.

On November 12th, the Full Moon will fall in the sign of Taurus in your sixth house of work and service. Where are you being asked to help, serve, and heal' By focusing right now on giving and receiving nurturance and support, you are slowly creating are more stable and beautiful atmosphere from which to live and thrive.

Between November 11th and 15th Venus in your home sign of Sagittarius is square to Neptune in Pisces in your fourth house of home and family. You are an instrument of peace, harmony, and hope right now in the home or in relationship to your family. Just be sure that you are also feeding and nurturing yourself so that you do not exhaust yourself.

On November 20th, Mercury will turn direct in Scorpio in your twelfth house, and then on the 24th Mars in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your sixth house. Both transits signal an important mental and emotional turning point. You’re ready to throw off whatever you feel has been holding you back lately, but don’t be surprised if the breakthrough comes with a few unexpected twists and turns thanks to the Mars/Uranus dynamic toning Mercury’s change of direction.

Between November 22nd and 25th, Venus will conjoin your ruling planet Jupiter in your home sign of Sagittarius, leading to a joyful late month timeframe as you head toward the expansive feasting time, at least here in America, that is a celebration of your sign.

The New Moon on November 26th will fall in your home sign as well. The end of the month is therefore like a firework display of newness and rebirth that will carry you through the last full lunar cycle of the year. You may find that people are recognizing or noticing you more, or that good things or positive social connections are falling into your lap. In the lunar cycle ahead, leading through almost all of December, you may also feel the need to press the reset button on your physical health and wellness. Whatever the case may be, don’t be afraid to ride this wave of expansion, beauty, and harmony while it’s here!

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