Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2022

Sagittarius Horoscope for January 2022

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month for you, Sagittarius, when instead of outer, you are more concerned with inner matters. The simultaneous retrogrades with Venus and with Mercury indicate this. Mercury’s backward journey begins January 14th and takes 30 days or more to fully recover. The Capricorn placements as the month begins, retrograde Venus with transformational Pluto and as well the potent New Moon, are also significant. This New Moon from the first weekend of the month is in your resources sector and includes your finances – which will have their ups and downs – and also the potential realization to come, that money is a means rather than an end, a practical necessity rather than a primary goal. Other resources like friends and family are more significant. The introspective concentration that you have during the second half of January might also involve the recognition of inner wounding, the residue of undigested childhood trauma, still influencing your behavior many years later. You do well at this time to make friends with these failings. They can find their healing resolution only by you going down there to greet them in the same deep level of your psyche as where they originally began.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month and year kicks off astrologically with the Capricorn New Moon ion the 2nd. This signals the beginning of a fresh cycle in the sector of your chart that relates to your values, your resources and your sense of self-worth. There has been a lot of action in Capricorn in the last several years and the beginning of 2022 offers an opportunity to wrap up and integrate the experiences that have brought you closer to knowing what it means to define your own reality and be in charge of your experience without needing support. Autonomy comes at a cost; the effort, time and energy investment you have put in making things happen could start to bear fruit this month. Knowing that people have your back is a big motivator but learning to keep moving ahead regardless has brought you closer to a true sense of your own autonomy. The New Moon also receives a supportive trine from Uranus in Taurus asking you to keep yourself moving forward with your changes as you take care of yourself. Flexibility and flow is the secret of health and the more adaptable you are this month, the easier it will be. You may gain lucidity surrounding any habits or activities that have become unsatisfying. Showing yourself some love and setting new resolutions around your health is helpful to your progress this month.

Jupiter is now transiting in Pisces which brings a significant emphasis on your home and domestic life as well. Your priorities could be on renovating and making your space more comfortable. You may be inclined to spend more on your home or on your family so keep that in mind when you find yourself fantasizing about things you want to purchase this month.

Venus retrograde sextile Neptune from the 4th to the 6th could bring healing opportunities or greater awareness of your desires. Then, Venus conjunct the Sun in Capricorn on the 8th could have a clarifying influence that helps you sort out what you truly want.

As Mars in your sign squares Neptune in Pisces on the 10th and the 11th, however, the split between your longing and practical reality could feel wide so that reconciling your ideals with what is concretely available could be a work in progress.

Mercury stations retrograde in Aquarius on the 14th, signaling a three week period of review and revision followed by two weeks of recovery, Mercury’s retrograde shadow period. This takes place in the sector of your chart that relates to communication and information. This period could emphasize the need to rethink your ideas or upgrade you’re your thought process to fit with the changing tides. Talking with others during the latter half of January could yield new insights and you may find yourself catching up on emails and organizing them. This Mercury Retrograde could also bring an introspective influence, which could be valuable for you, especially if you’ve been spending too much energy on trying to get your ideas across.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 17th could bring an emotional tide especially if you’ve felt misunderstood lately. The Moon sits in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn which may bring intensity especially in your intimate partnerships. You may be looking for security where there is none and you may have to live with the ambivalence of not knowing. There may be an important climax in regards to a negotiation process and you can expect a situation that has been building to culminate around this time. Understanding your needs and being able to express them may help in getting the support that you want but for this to happen you may have to acknowledge where you feel most vulnerable.

You may feel that taking care of yourself and your health is becoming an important priority. On the 18th, the North and South Node of the Moon enter the sign of Taurus and Scorpio, respectively, signaling the beginning of one and a half year of eclipses in these signs. This influence may progressively bring an emphasis on integrating daily practices that can help nurture and support your body. Addressing physical and emotional stressors could help you find greater ease in 2022 and taking a small step to leave a bad habit behind may bring surprising results in the year ahead. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the same day could hint at where you need to focus your efforts.

The Sun enters the Fixed-Air sign of Aquarius on the 19th which signals the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Fixed signs are known for their stabilizing and steady influence and the next month could bring a greater awareness of the efforts that you need to make to get organized. Mercury currently moving retrograde in Aquarius conjunct the Sun on the 23rd could bring important information to light that helps sort out your ideas.

Mars enters Capricorn on the 24th – lasting until March 6th – which may bring much needed clarity as to what you want and where you should invest your energy. The planet Mars transiting in Capricorn is said to be extremely strategic and patient; this may help delineate your long term goals and focus on the essential.

On the 29th, Venus stations direct in Capricorn, corresponding to your sector of resources. Venus trines to Trickster Uranus, with the Aquarius Sun also squaring Uranus, which also could bring many unpredictable factors to contend with. Still there might be a clarifying influence. You may start to feel more sure-footed and lucid regarding where and on what you should invest your time and your money in the year ahead.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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