Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2022

Sagittarius Horoscope for March 2022

Posted on in Sagittarius |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another consequential month for you, Sagittarius, when in a time of increased awareness of your outer world persona and presence, you are also distinctly concentrating on your most important product, your own developmental and spiritual evolution. This is an essentially inner-oriented period, as signaled by the very powerful March 2nd Pisces New Moon conjunct Jupiter, your ruler, in the home and family sector of your solar chart. There could be changes to your dwelling space or its inhabitants, and with so much energy below, this also includes root psychological issues stemming from family of origin and early childhood wounding. Your values and resources are also subject to potent transformational urges, inspiring you to get to the bottom of all that you encompass, the factors that are not so pretty along with the ones that are. On one level this is something of a trial, involving potential power struggles or hidden anger coming to the surface. And yet in another sense this potent monthly cycle represents a fantastic opportunity – amidst this potentially difficult time –
to integrate and heal whatever might emerge closer to your full awareness.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The New Moon in Pisces taking place on March 2nd, in a key sector of your solar chart, brings a revitalizing and hopeful energy thanks to the Sun and Moon in conjunction with your ruler, Jupiter. This is a particularly auspicious time to plant domestic and familial seeds that you would like to see grow in the near future. Jupiter in Astrology is associated with hope so this may be an important marker for you at the beginning of March. Of course, a New Moon is considered the darkest time of the month, it may therefore be difficult to see exactly where things are heading. Jupiter in Pisces conjunct the New Moon may require that you have faith in the process currently unfolding in your life and that you trust you are being guided in some ways. Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius highlights some efforts that need to be made or limitations you might be experiencing when communicating with others. There may also be some pressing financial responsibilities that need to be dealt with thanks to the triple conjunction of Mars, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn. You may feel increasingly aware of the need to deal with your resources and assets strategically at this time.

Late-evening of the 5th, Mars and Venus enter Aquarius in their ongoing conjunction to each other. This is a sensitive point on the zodiac where the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn occurred in December of 2020 signaling the beginning of the Air period. Think back to what has changed for you in the last two years. It may point to where you need to lean in. You may be compelled to share your thoughts and knowledge with others through various methods at this time. Mars and Venus here could increase the pace of your communication in the next several weeks and you may have to be more deliberate about where you allocate your time and attention.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 9th where it will stay almost until the end of the month highlighting the need you may have to tune out the noise. A few days later on the 13th and 14th, the Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces may make you feel more susceptible to your surroundings. Efficiency may be difficult at this time and you may need to take a few days off to regroup. You might feel overwhelmed by something that feels out of your immediate control and going with the flow could be your best approach.

The Full Moon culminates in the sign of Virgo on the 18th potentially highlighting your career and ambitions for a few days. This could be a dynamic or somewhat polarizing time as you try to balance your personal needs with your professional objectives. Mercury rules the sign of Virgo and therefore presides over this Full Moon from the sign of Pisces while receiving a sextile from Uranus in Taurus. Feelings of confusion might arise at this time in regards to your overall direction. Things could feel messy or confusing, especially if you are overwhelmed at work. You may have to deal with some chaotic circumstances and delegate or reorganize your schedule. It may be important to address things that are creating physical tensions before taking on more responsibilities.

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th signaling the Spring Equinox and the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun in the Fire sign of Aries for the next month should bring some revitalizing influences, especially for your projects and your passions. Mars and Venus in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus at this time could mean that you may still have to contend with an unpredictable schedule and a few logistical issues. Addressing your priorities or delegating could go a long way in helping you navigate the later part of March. Mercury in Pisces is conjunct with Jupiter on the 21st and Neptune on the 23rd and could emphasize your inner sensitivities. You may feel alienated from the world and more susceptible to your surroundings at this time or feel confused about where you want to be. You may be idealizing a certain place or domestic scenario without really knowing if it is feasible. This could also be a period of greater inspiration, especially if you have the space and flexibility to explore your feelings.

The last week of March sees Mercury entering Aries and Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, potentially signaling the beginning of a more creative phase. Your skills could be in high demand at the end of the month and you may be the only one who can get the job done. Just make sure you get the credit for all of your hard work and are properly compensated.

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