Scorpio Horoscope for September 2016

Scorpio Horoscope for September 2016

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a very special month for you, Scorpio. Your learning curve is steep and your lessons are slow cooking and long lasting. You are excited by prospective plans, while relationship takes on mystical overtones and provides unexpected enlightenment along the lines of guiding you to where you need to go. You are primed for looking into what you most fervently wish for, and the interesting issue is of what, actually, your dreams might consist. As you head into the jaws of an uncertain global future, this research is timely. Due to the retrograde of Mercury, the stars are not aligned this month for plunging ahead with partly baked ideas that have yet to mature; and yet the time is right for seeing into the heart of what it is that you most deeply desire, and investigating what it might look like to act upon that fresh understanding.

As the month begins, you are experiencing the charge and the change of energy implicit in the extremely potent New Moon and Solar Eclipse taking place in the early morning hours of the first day of September, in your sector of societal involvement. This follows the conjunction of your ruler, Mars, with stultifying Saturn, which took place one week past, on August 24th. Over this recent period of time that also included the retrograde station of Mercury, you have been feeling a bit shut down and internalized, with everything in your life at two speeds: slow and stop. Now, with this new energy coming in, there is a strange double-hit of powerful impulse for inspiration and for getting things done, together with the pulling back from any sort of accomplishment represented by a heavy Saturn emphasis and the retrograde period that is now in motion.

Neptune too is emphasized in this month's astrology, as indicated by his square with Saturn that is triggered in the configuration of the extra-potent New Moon that begins the month. This collision of antithetical archetypes, Saturn representing the physical world, versus Neptune, symbolizing that which is beyond the physical, can be regarded in several ways. In the fundamental opposition of their energies, you might find that over-idealized conceptions regarding your desires or your creative self-expression come crashing down to a reality that is far less glamorous, or that what you want to make available to yourself that you thought to be at hand is no longer possible. On the other hand, it could be that otherworldly ideas take you away, for beneficial effect, from the humdrum and routine details of daily existence. When these protean symbols combine favorably, you can bring fantasy or mythological material direct from your unconscious into concrete realization as a surprisingly solid foundation for a renewed explorations of pertinent life issues. In some sense, the way that you handle these available energies is up to you, in that an optimistic attitude is of great help in navigating potentially difficult circumstances whenever they arise. This is in keeping with the New Age dictum that whatever you fervently wish for with all your heart might indeed come true.

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