Scorpio Horoscope for December 2017

Scorpio Horoscope for December 2017

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents in many ways a branching out from where you formerly were, Scorpio. You are in an expansive moment that forges profound links between your physical circumstances, and that which is beyond the physical. There is a largely unseen world within your own unconscious process that is beginning to make itself more strongly felt, affecting your basic values, future plans, and intimacy with significant others. Your creative self-expression reflects this, becoming more mystically derived. Your very identity is shifting in unknown ways, especially when your ruler, Mars, enters Scorpio on December 9th. You are inspired to seek concepts of a mission statement in greater alignment with your changing values. Just after the beginning of the month, Mercury is retrograde and you could see a few weeks of financial confusion coupled with deep meditation on the true meaning of the material world for you as something with a distinct place that is also to be transcended and complemented by more ethereal considerations.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

It’s an auspicious year for those born while the Sun transited the sign of the Scorpion. Jupiter is in your first house all the way until next fall. This month highlights the entrance of Mars into Scorpio, which is your first house, along with a trine between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in your fifth house. Venus will enter your second house, and Mercury will conjoin with Saturn in Sagittarius as it turns retrograde. All of these transits are taking place in the first week of the month, toning the entire month of December for you. Let’s look at each of these in depth.

Mars will enter your first house on December 9th. The first house is the house of the self, health, new beginnings, and character. Mars will be transitioning out of Libra in your twelfth house after an opposition to Uranus in Aries in your sixth house. Here’s what to watch for:

  • After a feeling of being out sorts, you are starting to feel empowered again
  • After a time of conflict, crisis, or confusion, you are feeling like you have your hands on the wheel again
  • After a transitional or gestational period, you are ready to start a new chapter
  • After a health or healing or spiritual period of darkness you are feeling ready to address your issues or start over on something
  • You are feeling strong, bold, and perhaps acting grandiose
  • You have a vision, you’re putting it into action
  • You are feeling athletic, strong, competitive, impulsive, and ready for action
  • You may overpower others right now
  • You might be experiencing a major period of growth and empowerment
  • You might be ready to take a stand, or make a bold proclamation

Meanwhile, Jupiter in Scorpio in your first house will trine Neptune in Pisces in your fifth house. The fifth house is the house of creativity, children, sports, pregnancy, joy, and recreation. Here’s what to watch for:

  • The birth of a child
  • Conception
  • Pregnancy or the joy of children
  • The desire for kids or the creative impulse generally
  • Creative growth
  • Overdoing substances meant for fun or pleasure
  • Being the creative center of attention
  • Performance, sports, and what you do for fun
  • Altered states and creativity
  • Mysticism and creativity
  • Health, vitality, and the need for pleasure
  • Spirituality, belief, renewal or restoral of faith and its connection to any of the topics above
  • Representing something bigger than yourself, perhaps in a creative way
  • The holiday spirit
  • Bigness, expansion, and possibly delusions of grandeur
  • Giving generously to your children or to women and children generally

Next, Venus will enter your second house at the start of the month, in the sign of Sagittarius. The second house is traditionally the house of money, finances, resources, diet, appetite, earning power or potential, possessions or things that a person might own or be in possession of. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Windfalls
  • Promotion or raises
  • Buying art, jewelry, clothing, or other Venusian things
  • Women and finances
  • Expenses related to friends, parties, or exciting social outings
  • Art, music, beauty, sensuality, and money
  • An expensive month, a lucrative month
  • Love and relationships and money
  • Buying yourself something nice or extravagant
  • Expensive taste
  • Craving Venusian food, indulging the senses
  • Experiencing a buffer or an easier recovery from any expenses
  • Good luck with finances

Finally, Mercury will conjoin with Saturn in Sagittarius as it turns retrograde in your second house. Here’s what to watch for:

  • Expenses, buying and selling possessions
  • Revising a financial strategy
  • Long term investments
  • Money and car or travel issues
  • Technology purchases
  • Saving vs. spending
  • Writing projects
  • Investing in a learning or educational journey
  • Revising credentials or certifications
  • A new set of financial duties or responsibilities
  • New responsibilities in the work place
  • Communicating about your needs and desires
  • Restraining or restricting your spending or material desires, simplifying or purging your possessions
  • Frugality

Note the juxtaposition between the conservative Mercury/Saturn qualities this month and the more prolific or fertile qualities related to the entrance of Venus into your second house of money. The push and pull between these energies in your financial house should create an interesting dialogue this month!

I hope you have a wonderful Winter Solstice, Scorpio. I’ll be traveling with you here at Astrograph for all of 2018, and each month it’s my goal to share some personal stories from my practice in order to illustrate how each sign experiences the forecasts, month by month. If you’d like to write us and tell us about how the horoscopes align with your experiences, feel free to add to the comments section below, or email us at Astrograph! In the meantime, Happy Holidays and best of luck!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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