Scorpio Horoscope for June 2018

Scorpio Horoscope for June 2018

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an optimistic and exploratory month for you, Scorpio, when partnership will be in your focus of vision. Something hitherto unknown in this area is knocking on your door. You do best when you allow yourself to open to new possibilities either within your current relationship or, if single, go with the flow of novel experiences that might however prove ephemeral. In any case these experiences are excellent at providing new insights into your situation in ways that are out of the ordinary. Your self-expression benefits, and as well your understanding of your own interior spaces. Your truest creativity has taken a mystical turn of late, so that a spiritual component is always present. Communication is key for you right now, and your words carry a great deal of depth. More and more, as your understanding grows, you recognize that you are in fact on a mission of service to the community at large.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Last month the planet Uranus stole the show as it changed signs into Taurus, corresponding to your house of partnership, for the first time in many years. This has brought and will continue to bring great variety and excitement to all your relationships, or to the concept of partnering. This month the action continues as the planet Mars will turn retrograde at the end of the month in the sign of Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, a transit we will track all summer long. Meanwhile, let’s turn our attention to each of the major transits effecting you this month.

Between June 5th and 6th, Venus in Cancer in your ninth house of religion, higher education, and long journeys will be moving through an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn in your third house of communication, the mind, and siblings. Conversations about faith and belief in relationships might be highlighted right now, or you may find that there is an opportunity to do some healing work around communication in your relationships. You may also find that your mind or heart are inexplicably attracted to deeper, darker, or even more erotic topics or themes right now.

At nearly the same time, between June 6th and 7th, the Sun and Mercury will be conjunct in Gemini in your eighth house of death, rebirth, and shared resources, and simultaneously square to Neptune in your fifth house of children, creativity, and joy. Be careful of making choices from a place of fear or anxiety about the future right now, as you are prone to not see things clearly and may allow for your worries or fears to influence your decision-making. At the same time, there is a great opportunity for throwing some amount of caution to the wind and allowing yourself to let the creativity of the moment take you away from a tendency you may have to overthink things right now. As a Scorpio you may struggle sometimes to let go and truly enjoy yourself, or to fully trust when good things come your way that there isn’t a hidden danger. Sometimes your instincts are correct, but sometimes they may keep you from experiencing real joy. Use your intelligence right now, but don’t let yourself overanalyze a good thing.

On June 13th, the New Moon in Gemini will also land in your eighth house. At the same time, Mars will conjoin the South Node of the Moon in your fourth house of home, family, and property. The topic of family resources, money, or inheritance may be on the table, or you might be doing some healing work in relation to your home and family life. There is a deep level of wisdom available to you right now, and if you harness it you will find that it is easier than usual to let go of things that are no longer serving you, or to say goodbye to something from the deep, ancestral past. You may also need to make changes or improvements to your living situation or home environment. Just remember, these themes will be active all summer long because Mars will turn retrograde in this house shortly!

Between June 14th and 15th, Venus in Leo in your tenth house of career will square Uranus in Taurus in your seventh house of love and relationships. Be careful of putting your foot in your mouth at work during this transit. There is an aura of defiance and rebelliousness in the air, and while it may spice things up in your love life, it could also easily lead to misunderstandings or diplomatic snafus in more formal settings. You may also find that you are ready to present a new version of yourself to the world, or you may find that you are strongly attracted to someone in the work place. Venus/Uranus transits can be incredibly creative, but they may also indicate the desire to seek freedom and originality and the cost of loyalty, diplomacy, or tact.

On June 15th, Mercury in Cancer in your ninth house will oppose Saturn in Capricorn in your third house, emphasizing a somewhat serious, constrained, focused, or disciplined quality of mind and speech, or communication. This transit may also help you to transform your beliefs into more tangible actions and commitments, or it may invite you to find more compassionate ways of expressing yourself without losing any of your conviction. Just remember, if you believe it’s true, and it’s good enough to take a stand for, then it’s good and true enough to be communicated with compassion. While you are naturally a warrior and you can bring so much emotional depth to the table, sometimes you could benefit from a little more softness, so take this moment as an opportunity to become an even better version of yourself!

On June 21st the Summer Solstice takes place in Cancer, so again your ninth house is emphasized. Worldview becomes highlighted, as well as the possibility of surprise journeys and unplanned studies. Venus in Leo in your tenth house of career will also oppose Mars in Aquarius in your fourth house of home, family, and property. Sexual and/or creative tension is high right now. You might be feeling the desire to expand and grow professionally while challenges or duties on the home front, or in your personal life, are making it challenging to do so. On the other hand, you might be considering making significant changes at work, or at home, due to meeting someone new or because your relationship is rapidly becoming more intimate. Just remember to avoid personal power struggles and try your best to balance the public and private spheres of your life.

June 23rd Mercury in Cancer in your ninth house is now opposing Pluto in Capricorn in your third house. This transit, like June 15th’s Mercury/Saturn dynamic, is once again highlighting the importance of honesty, depth, and integrity in how and what you are communicating to others this month. Your mind and your heart are always looking to be on the same page, but sometimes we fail to bring the two together because we fear being vulnerable with others or because we fear the power of the truth. The truth is sometimes upsetting, but it’s better to be upset and live honestly than to keep the peace while remaining dishonest or living in denial.

Then on June 25th, Venus in Leo in your tenth house will square Jupiter in Scorpio in your first house. This has the potential to be a very powerful, uplifting moment for you: a moment of success, or the start of something new, romantic, and exciting. You might be getting promoted at work, or you might be achieving something special, or even falling in love or enjoying a general mood of romance and love. It’s a great moment to start a new health regiment or to ride a wave of inspiration and joy toward a healthy new beginning. Just remember that when Venus and Jupiter get together there is always the temptation to overdo things or to be tempted into extravagance. For as magical as this transit can be, it’s also notorious for people or things that over promise and under deliver!

Finally, on June 27th, just as the Full Moon comes through and energizes everything, especially learning and communication, or restrictions to these, Mars turns retrograde just one day prior, in your fourth house of home, family, and property, marking the start of a summer-long focus on these themes. Because Mars is close to the wisdom of the South Node, you may find that there is a distinct theme of loss, surrender, or sacrifice taking place at home. On the other hand, you may find that it is the perfect time to finally address or confront a family member, to work through family or ancestral karma, and to some “healing at the roots.” Just remember that nobody is perfect, and try as hard as we may, no matter how much family healing we think we need, there will always be a hole in our hearts if we haven’t learned to find happiness in the soul, whose true home is beyond this world and all the temporary homes and families that we’ve ever had! We will continue to visit this transit all summer, as Mars makes many more interesting aspects to come.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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