Scorpio Horoscope for August 2019

Scorpio Horoscope for August 2019

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This month represents an interesting balance for you of self and other, Scorpio. The recent Mercury Retrograde in prominent sectors of your solar chart has got you thinking, and re-thinking, many areas of your life, including career and profession, as well as partnership, fundamental world view, and how best to articulate and act upon your sincerest principles. You are quite focused on your work in the world in this August cycle, and, what is more, attempting to incorporate into your prospective planning what comes to you strictly from deep inside, independent from early conditioning or consensus thought. Your values are in flux, and where they eventually settle has everything to do with your sense of mission in this lifetime. There are unexpected events taking place in terms of relationship, and while these are destabilizing, they might also prove to be profoundly enlightening. Your path actually lies clear before you, in spite of appearances, although you will find that you must half-close your eyes in order to properly see it.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins on the heels of a New Moon in Leo in your tenth house of career, just as the Sun, Moon, and Venus in Leo are making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your seventh house of relationships. The month ahead is therefore toned by the need to shift or change your focus at work, and this change of direction at work could also come due to disruptions, innovation, or sudden shifts happening in your intimate relationships.

Late on July 31st, also, or early Thursday, August 1st, Mercury will also turn direct after several weeks of retrogradation in your ninth house of the higher mind. It’s possible that a period of deeper emotional stagnation is coming to an end now, or that a process of learning, doubting, or revising your beliefs or ideals is ending and you are thus ready to put what you’ve learned into action.

Between August 5th and the 8th, the Sun and Venus in your tenth house of career will make trines to Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house of income and expenditures. Positive opportunities at work, or in relation to your finances may appear during this time, or you may find that you are meeting new allies or making creative connections at work that may turn into something financially beneficial in the future.

On August 11th, Mercury will then enter Leo and move into your tenth house of career, while Uranus turns retrograde in your seventh house of relationships and Jupiter turns direct in your second house of income and expenditures. The changes promised in relationships and career this month, may also have the effect of helping you recover from a variety of financial challenges, or they may help you to plant the seeds of future gain at work.

On August 15th, the Full Moon will fall in Aquarius in your fourth house of home, family, and roots, calling forth a polarizing pull of energy from the career house opposite, where most of the action was at the start of the lunation cycle. Thus, as a sequence of changes are occurring in terms of your work in the world, you are also being called to look at root level issues related to security, home, family, property, and even deep ancestral karma.

On August 18th, your ruling planet, Mars, will then enter the sign of Virgo and move into your eleventh house of friends, colleagues, allies, and groups, where it will stay for over a month to come. You may find that you are busy at work within a group, or that you are confronting or addressing different conflicts or challenges among friends or colleagues. At the same time, Mars in Virgo is extremely productive, and so you may find that, with the help of others, you are able to get a lot of work done.

Finally, August 23rd and 25th, Venus will conjoin Mars in Virgo in your eleventh house, and then Mercury will enter Virgo on August 29th, followed by a New Moon in Virgo on August 30th. Given that this large stellium of Virgo planets in your eleventh house of friends and groups will loosely square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your second house of income and expenditures, as well as Neptune in Pisces in the fifth house of creativity and good fortune, it’s likely that the theme of allies and creative collaboration will be quite strong. The need to find healthy and productive groups of like-minded people is important right now and in the Moon cycle ahead. You will be happiest and find the most long-term practical joy and even material benefit if you are discerning and deliberate about who you give your time and energy to in the weeks to come.

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