Scorpio Horoscope for January 2020

Scorpio Horoscope for January 2020

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The astrologically unusual and potent months continue, Scorpio, and even accelerate with this terrible and beauteous January of 2020! This month is when Pluto and Saturn come together in Capricorn along with the recent Christmas Day New Moon eclipse and several other planets. Communication (and learning) is the name of your game these days, as you inevitably turn to sorting out what lies beneath and beyond the surface areas of your life. This is a familiar theme for you, the depths within, and yet it needs a more conscious understanding to take fullest advantage. Cosmically inspired and yet surprising events and realizations surrounding partnership are also on the menu, and the trick is to accept the requisite illogic that allows you to make strange sense out of it all, and to benefit. It helps immeasurably to recall that in spite of the difficulties of what might come down, the Universe is on your side. Its mission, along with yours, is that you evolve into who, at base, you really are.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Happy New Year Scorpio! 2020 arrives with much to think about, while you move between two very powerful eclipses affecting communication and learning. The first one took place late on December 25th and the second one, a lunar eclipse Full Moon, will occur on January 10th. For Scorpios, this eclipse cycle represent a time when you are becoming increasingly aware of the need to broaden your horizons while also managing you schedule more efficiently.

On January 3rd, your ruler Mars leaves your sign and enters the sign of Sagittarius until February 16th. Mars will be transiting here prompting you to pay special attention to the way you handle money matters. A great way to use the time would be to revise your finances and come up with a realistic budget for yourself. Much of your focus to begin the year could be on your revenue and assets and how to generate income to fuel a vision.

With five planets currently transiting in Capricorn you could feel an urgent need to manage your time more efficiently. You could find yourself very busy with written projects, studies, and back and forth communications. There could be a need to regroup and gather your thoughts; laying off social media or finding smarter ways to utilize these platforms could be an excellent way to do just that. Either way you look at it, there is a need to find more focused determination to accomplish all that you are setting out to do in 2020. This will require a major clean up in regards to the way you organize yourself. Focusing on efficiency while discarding time-wasting habits might just be what you need to gain some discipline to accomplish your goals.

On January 10th, a lunar eclipse takes place in the sign of Cancer sending powerful tides towards new horizons. An exciting world of possibilities is currently burgeoning in connection to knowledge, education, mind expansion, and your overall developmental journey. You are experiencing a sort of rebirth in regards to your belief systems and many insights are flowing in via strange means and synchronicities. The desire to get out of the beaten path will continue to grow in the next several months. This is why it is so important that you put your attention on what you want to see grow this year and discard what has become burdensome and limiting. Of course this is easier said then done but the planets currently transiting in Capricorn support this reform. Uranus stations direct in Taurus on the same day as the lunar eclipse, while Mercury will meet the Sun in Capricorn, allowing for clarity and insights to flow in. Uranus turning direct could also bring up conversations around relationships that were left on hold for the last few months.

From January 10th to the 14th, the much talked-about Saturn-Pluto conjunction takes place in Capricorn. Your communication is a tremendous focus now, and you are seeking to transform your energies there. Once again, this could also bring up issues of time management in regards to your daily coming and goings.

Venus enters Pisces on January 13th and will transit in your fellow water sign until February 7th signaling the beginning of a fertile and creative time for Scorpios. Use this time to explore your recent revelations and inspirations. Your ruler Mars transiting in your second house of money and applying to square Venus in Pisces could mean that creative projects and income are major focus for the second half of January. Since Venus is the ruler of your 7th house of partnerships, issues around shared assets or complications around a partnership could come up. The square between Mars and Venus will be building until January 26th. You benefit from find positive ways to release building tension and learning to bide your time.

Mercury enters Aquarius on January 16th shifting your attention to home and family matters. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th and the New Moon in Aquarius takes place on January 24th carrying a cleansing light. This particular New Moon in the fixed sign of Aquarius is an important one for Scorpios. It creates a T-square between Uranus in Taurus and your sign, which indicates some inherent tension that could feel hard to reconcile. You might feel pulled in many opposing directions and with changing priorities, so that finding a compromising attitude could require negotiations. However, this New Moon also offers a powerful reset within your private life and the opportunity to move beyond a stale situation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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