Scorpio Horoscope for July 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for July 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another interesting monthly cycle for you, Scorpio, and a follow-up to the somewhat chaotic previous June month. This was a time when you were thinking about, reviewing, and re-thinking matters of intimacy with trusted partners and also engaging in a sensitive process of deep-diving below the surface layers of your personality for answers to these and other questions. The Mercury Retrograde period that was featured all last month is fading during the firt full week of July, as Mercury escapes its retrograde shadow, so that by the Cancer New Moon of the 9th it will be time for a resurgeance. This lunation makes for a fresh start in Higher Consciousnes, travel, and presents you with new perspectives on relationships and wordlview. There will likely be surprising partnership information to encounter, prehaps affecting your intense learning curve on issues of the past, your family, and the very roots of your psyche that come toa head with the dynamic Aquarius Full Moon of the 23rd. Integrating these disparate impulses and parts of yourself is your task right now, and one key to a syccessful transition into summer.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The recent New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini from June 10th colors the astrology of the beginning of July, while that lunation cycle winds down. Simultaneously, Mercury, retrograde all last month in the same sign, which it rules, is recovering its lost zodiacal ground, finally escaping its retrograde shadow by the 7th. This recent cycle implied an exploration of both partnership commitments in your life, and a journey to the inside of your personality that is still going on as the current month gets underway and completes its first full week.

On July 1st, there is a potent T-square that deeply affects members of your sign, between Saturn in Aquarius, Mars in Leo, and Uranus in Taurus. A T-square in Astrology involves planets that are all transiting in signs of the same modalities, in this case, the Fixed Signs. The Fixed Signs in Astrology fall in the middle of every season and are known for carrying a stabilizing and grounding energy. Stable can also translate as unbudging or immovable which means that when a tense aspect occurs between planets of the Fixed Signs it is often felt as the inability to reconcile very rooted, albeit incompatible, elements. The urge to maintain the status quo could be met with an incredible pressure to evolve at this time.

Saturn opposing Mars on the 1st could highlight a tension between your career and your domestic obligations and it may feel almost impossible to attend to it all. You may have to be very selective about how you spend your time if you are to meet all of your objectives during the first week of July. Mars in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus from the 2nd to the 4th adds an unpredictable element to the equation while also trying to get along with others. The Sun in Cancer squaring Chiron in Aries on the 4th could highlight a logistical issue while the Sun sextile Uranus in Taurus on the 5th may bring unexpected support from someone. 

Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius late on the night of the 5th and 6th highlighting your current aspirations and how they may be clashing with your desire for stability. However, with Venus squaring Uranus in Taurus a few days later you may decide to throw caution to the wind and follow your creative impulse.

The Cancer New Moon takes place on the 9th, signaling the beginning of a new cycle in your vision sector, relating to your understanding of the world, and education or travel opportunities. You may be preparing to set sail on a literal or metaphorical journey, and this New Moon also brings renewal for your philosophical and educational aspirations. The New Moon squares Chiron in Aries, which may indicate a budding interest in learning more about holistic practices that support your well-being. Mercury enters Cancer on the 11th continuing to emphasize learning and travel over the following weeks. Mercury also makes a beautiful trine with Jupiter in Pisces bringing pleasurable new experiences in the days surrounding the New Moon.

Venus conjunct Mars in Leo from the 10th to the 14th could put you in the spotlight or bring some attention to your work in one way or another. This may be a busy time of the year for you. The Sun in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on the 15th and opposes Pluto in Capricorn on the 17th continuing to bring attention to creative and vocational projects during the third weekend of July. You may be thrust into a position of power thanks to your creative skills. Venus enters Virgo on the 21st and the Sun enters Leo on the 22nd bringing even more momentum for all things related to your career. 

The Aquarius Full Moon takes place in your home sector late on the 23rd and could highlight a culmination process regarding where you want to be in the world. You may have a desire to root down while simultaneously not knowing where you want to be. You may feel like a stranger wherever you are and even though you may be looking to establish a secure foundation you may also feel alienated by your current living arrangements. The Full Moon could also clarify familial or inter-generational dynamics which may help you better understand where you come from.

At the end of July, Jupiter re-enters the sign of Aquarius after having been in Pisces for the last two and half months. A domestic scenario that was put on the back burner may come back to your awareness in the following weeks. Mars enters Virgo on the 29th where it will be until mid-September and you may find yourself prioritizing your goals and your aspirations for the next several weeks.

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