Scorpio Horoscope for September 2021

Scorpio Horoscope for September 2021

Posted on in Scorpio |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This September represents a dynamic month of change for you, Scorpio, with much of the activity taking place along the inner reaches of your psyche. As you attempt to gain greater clarity with what is going on within you, partnerships in your life provide significant impetus for change and not just a few unexpected events. You might be able to look to these for clues. Your values are in a process of flux, as is your commitment to articulating these and for achieving a better match between action and inner conviction. It is a surprising month in general, when you will be tuning in more closely to where you are headed and how to plug yourself in with evolution of the society in general, or to that part of it to which you feel connected. Looking to the future, the surprises that are in store for you will necessitate course corrections as you can ascertain what is truly required. Your ultimate goal is to strive for greater alignment with your deepest principles. Your direct experience, rather than any metaphysical theory, will be all the explanatory principle that you require.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of September is already here and with this time of the year comes a whole list of things to do. Your ambitions have been aroused since the New Moon in Leo in August which may have increased the tempo for all things related to your work and more extensively, your social life. Hopefully, you are currently busy with things you love to do and this mood will continue to permeate the first half of the month. Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces at the beginning of September which throws a romantic and inspiring glow on your personal projects. This is a great aspect for creative and artistic pursuits but not so great for work that requires a lot of focus. A good dose of fantasy may be what the doctor ordered to counteract your workload and it may be your opportunity to take a few days off and let your mind wander.

The first weekend of the month may bring deeper reflections surrounding your home life and where you want to be when Mercury in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius. This is not a difficult aspect, however, you may be more inclined towards introspection.

The New Moon on September 6th takes place in the sign of Virgo and could bring exciting new developments in your partnerships or in connection with a community. The more willing you are to step out of your comfort zone and connect with others, the more this time period could yield new opportunities. You may have to work through some self-limiting beliefs to take the risks that are needed. Other people in your life want to see you succeed and you may be the only one slowing down your progress. The world is calling but what feels familiar may also have a strong hold on your unconscious which could in turn be slowing down your progress.

Venus enters Scorpio on September 10th which may help you get to the roots of what you want in the next month. Venus transits in Scorpio until October 7th highlighting your relationships and your personal needs. While partnerships may play an important role in your life right now, you may also be divided between your desires and the ones of the people you care about, especially once Mars enters Libra on the 14th. You may need to put yourself first without being able to set proper boundaries with others. Frustrations could build up while Mars transit in Libra until the end of October as you may feel your actions being thwarted by something outside of your control. Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius on from the 15th to the 17th could bring much of the same and make you feel weighed down by responsibilities at home.

Thankfully, the Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th shines an inspiring light on what brings you joy and pleasure. A creative or romantic scenario may be culminating in the days surrounding this Full Moon and a situation that felt unclear may be clarified.  However, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius continues to highlight the need you may have for solitude and peace in order to sort out your thoughts.

The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd which signals the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus may bring an unusual edge in the days surrounding the Equinox and this could play out in your relationship. You may have a harder time than usual compromising and it may be difficult to keep the peace. There may be unforeseen elements to contend with at this time and it’s a good idea to stay flexible and try to go with the flow if possible.

Mercury stations retrograde in Libra late on September 26th where it will be moving retrograde until the 18th of October. This particular Mercury Retrograde may bring up things you would rather keep hidden or you may be called to get to the roots of what you desire which may not necessarily be an easy process. This period could be characterized by a need to go inward in order to get to the heart of something that has been in the works for quite some time. What is essential often remains invisible to the eyes.

Venus in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces and squares Jupiter in Aquarius at the end of the month which are both excellent transits for letting your inspiration and your vision be your guides. The end of September may not be the best time for hard work and discipline. However, it’s an excellent time to reset your compass towards what your heart longs for.

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