Taurus Horoscope for January 2018

Taurus Horoscope for January 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another amazing month for you, Taurus, one in which opportunities abound. This includes a focus on outer world success, along with a massive concentration on your developing worldview, and most importantly perhaps, the information that arrives to you by special delivery directly from the intuitional layers of your unconscious process. Your deep intuition tells you truer about significant partners in your life than all your conscious analysis. You have also been mulling over your artistic fluency, the way that you express yourself to your public. You are thereby seeking to understand how this personal statement comes at the world directly from the subtle messages of your evolving worldview and system of beliefs. After the middle of the month, you are more concretely engaged with your public statement, while remembering to include as significant formative factor these underlying hidden layers, at times almost invisible, that in essence represent the dictates of your own Higher Self.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Happy New Year, Taurus! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and that you are feeling renewed and ready for a powerful year ahead. This month gets started with the recent ingress of Saturn into Capricorn, which happened just as we passed through the gateway of the winter solstice a few weeks ago. Whenever a planet changes signs in Sun Sign horoscopy it also changes houses. Saturn has thus entered your ninth house to stay for the next two to three years, where the emphasis will be on religion, spirituality, faith, law, beliefs, higher education, foreign countries or travel abroad. Saturn in the earthy sign of Capricorn may emphasize the practical of functional values of your beliefs, asking you to put your beliefs to work in the world or asking you to consider a more organic or natural lifestyle. On the other hand, you may feel the weight of your faith, beliefs or convictions; you might be feeling the call to put your faith or beliefs into action, or you might be feeling a deeper level of responsibility or commitment to what you’re learning, or to various spiritual or religious practices. On the other hand, the next few years of Saturn being in your solar ninth house might emphasize studying abroad, living abroad, or traveling abroad, and it’s quite possible that you will meet a few elders, mentors, or practical teachers who challenge or guide you along the way. Given the fact that Uranus will enter your first house, in Taurus, in May of 2018, you are looking at an approaching era of radically redefining yourself as you redefine your spiritual commitments, as you study something new or deepen an existing study, or perhaps expand your horizons abroad. Change isn’t always the easiest thing for those born when the Sun was in the sign of the Bull, but change is constant and real stability, real security, and real peace and simplicity are found in how we meet life’s changes, not in how we fortify ourselves against them. Remember this because when you trust seasons of radical transformation you’ll find that same easy, comfortable, steady feeling is present and available all of the time!

The first of the month features the Full Moon in Cancer in your third house of siblings, neighbors, short travel, communication, writing, and media (among other things). Each month, the Full Moon is always happening in a direct opposition to the Sun; this month the opposition happens between the Full Moon in Cancer in your third house and the Sun in Capricorn in your 9th (whose topics we just visited with Saturn, above). The month may therefore begin with an important philosophical crisis. The ninth and third house axis often relates to dogmas and doctrines or higher beliefs or values versus our own independent or subjective thoughts, feelings, and opinions about things. You might also experience the archetypal tension between “the message” and “how to best communicate the message.” Though as a Taurus you might be more content to manage or maintain things, this month’s Full Moon may be urging you to put yourself out there, to say something, to go out on a limb, or to rock the boat a little. Just remember, just because you may not like the experience of rocking the boat, in general, that doesn’t mean you are wrong about what you have to say or that you shouldn’t say it. A little tension, a little unsteadiness, is also a sign that things are moving, alive, and growing, so don’t be afraid to communicate or share with others from a deeper or more vulnerable place this month!

On January 6th, Mars will conjoin Jupiter in Scorpio in your seventh house of love and relationships. This could be a sign that your partner or spouse (if you have one) is on the up and up, perhaps excelling at work, earning a raise, expanding and growing emotionally or spiritually, or inspired and charismatic right now. On the other hand, it could indicate that you are doing some power-coupling this month. Maybe you and your partner are magnetic, catching the eyes of others, or cooperatively fighting, striving, or excelling at something. If you aren’t coupled up, then look for your social life to take on the qualities of action, dynamism, joviality, fun, competitiveness, charisma, and enthusiasm, or look for someone with these qualities to enter your life. It’s also possible, if you’re currently in a relationship, for your relationship to develop a broader or more inspiring vision of its future. Relationships have a life of their own. Relationships are a thing of their own. And yet we are constantly inviting each other to participate in one another’s passions. For those born under the sign of Taurus, just remember that while passionate intensity can sometimes feel less than your peaceful, stable idea of a good time, change keeps things green and fresh and beautiful. Sometimes, for the sake of peace, we need to allow ourselves to be inspired by others, to be led or catalyzed by others, or to do some healthy prodding and catalyzing of our own!

On January 10th, Mercury will enter Capricorn and make an immediate conjunction with Saturn in your ninth house. This may signal an important announcement, agreement, technological change, or the beginning of a new project or endeavor related to Mercurial things (science, technology, writing, learning, speaking, communicating, etc.), and related to ninth house matters (religion, belief, higher thinking/learning, foreign countries, long journeys and so forth).

January 16th is the date of the Capricorn New Moon, also taking place in your ninth house, and in conjunction with Venus. Educational pursuits, explorations of higher mind, travel and worldview all come up for you and feel concerned with one form or another of unconscious process. Recording your dreams is extremely beneficial for you at this time, now and through to the end of the month.

January 17th, Venus will enter Aquarius and move into your tenth house of career, public reputation, success, and authority. This is a wonderful transit for the growth or development of positive business relationships, new and perhaps attractive business or marketing strategies, a time of recovery or healing from loss or hardship (Venus mends things!), or a time of general good luck, charm, and beauty in the work place. You may also find that you are reaching a new audience, or putting into action a variety of ideas and visions you’ve been cultivating over a longer period. The last time Venus entered your tenth house it was December of 2016, so you might look back to that time period to gain an understanding of what kinds of energies are at play when Venus enters your career house for a while!

On January 26th, Mars will enter Sagittarius in your eighth house, which is the house of passive income, or other people’s money, a spouse’s income or money, or joint resources. It’s also a house of fear, loss, anxiety, penalties, and death (not a fun list of topics!). You may find that toward the end of the month you are having to make decisions about investment strategies, your spouse or partner may be dealing with challenges, risks, or new endeavors relative to their job or income. Or, you may find that you are learning to face fears or address your inner doubts about something. Given everything else going on for you this month, Mars in your eighth house echoes a similar theme… that life is risky and daring and it often requires us to be bold and vulnerable.

With the Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 31st, corresponding to your fourth house of home, family, and your psychological roots, you are facing the fulfillment of plans and goals in the career realms, while attempting to find a good balance between the public and private sides of yourself. Just remember, there is a deep peace and security available to us even in the midst of great changes. After all, the Buddha himself was born a Taurus.

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