Taurus Horoscope for November 2018

Taurus Horoscope for November 2018

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Taurus, with many potential changes in attitude and novel ideas emerging. You are being encouraged to seize the day in a departure from previously ingrained habit patterns, and to find an outlet for your deepest values. Partnership is also very firmly in the picture of what you are currently focused on, especially in the timing of the mid-week Scorpio New Moon of November 7th. You are looking into hidden motivations affecting your decision process in all sorts of interpersonal connections, both business and otherwise. There is a strong process within you urging that you adopt a standpoint of societal benefit as one of your most powerful guiding tenets. This comes from a place of deep intuition so that it might not be entirely obvious to your overt thinking. Yet, when you consider your values and your most idealized pathway forward, you find this notion of service to the surrounding collective rising to the top of your priority list.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with retrograde Venus, your ruler, now in relationship-oriented Libra, corresponding to your sixth house of health and service, emphasizing these areas, while the Leo Moon briefly opposes the ruler of your opposite sign, Mars, remaining in Aquarius, corresponding to your tenth house of career and professional life. After rethinking all last summer the way that you do outer world actualization, you are still engaged in seeing through the changes there, putting the cap on your accumulated wisdom in this area.

Then, on November 7th, the Scorpio New Moon falls in your seventh house of partnership indicating a fresh start in this important area. This New Moon promises to catalyze much healing and growth for you, especially in your relationships or any business partnerships you might have. You are also motivated to explore unconscious process more fully and to make practical use of what emerges from the hidden areas of your psyche.

Meanwhile, all month long, Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Libra, in your sixth house of work and service, opposite Uranus in Aries in the twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence. The need to amend, revise, or rethink agreements, partnerships, or issues pertaining to your workplace or health will be pronounced. Watch especially for Venus turning direct on November 17th. This is a good time to initiate lifestyle or work changes or put revisions into action in your relationships, or it may reflect a change of direction or momentum in health or daily work patterns. Note as well that on November 30th, Venus will exactly oppose Uranus, bringing all the above themes to a head and capping off a time of significant changes, challenges, and possibly innovative solutions or compromises being reached in this area.

On November 8th, Jupiter enters Sagittarius and moves into your eighth house of death, rebirth, and transformation, where it will stay for the next year. Jupiter in this house will emphasize growth through the themes of a partner’s money or inheritance, or of personal expansion through themes of loss, change, impermanence, and the facing of personal fears and limitations. With Uranus set to re-enter your first house in March, the year ahead is going to be all about moving past personal limitations and renewing your faith and confidence.

On November 15th Mars, the warrior, will change signs and move into Pisces in your eleventh house of friends and groups after spending most of its time in Aquarius, in your tenth house of career, since the middle of May. Mars will then square Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eighth house on November 19th. This sequence indicates that you are ready or expand your social circles or to enter new groups, organizations, or friendships that you feel more deeply invigorated by. It’s the perfect time to be thinking about the future and about where or how you might team up with others to be more productive and successful.

On November 17th Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius in your eighth house of transformation in a square to Neptune in the eleventh house of friends and groups. This transit similarly points to the need to rethink your beliefs or philosophical commitments, especially as they pertain to groups, friends, and social circles. Remember that you may not be seeing everything clearly right now. While you are rethinking your commitments and vision for the future, certain relationships or agreements may also be ready to dissolve. Trust the process and try your best to release anxieties or the desire to try to control every last detail.

On November 22nd into the 23rd, the Full Moon in Gemini in your second house of money and values and opposes the Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius in your eighth house, while also creating a t-square with Mars in Pisces in your eleventh house. You are being given an opportunity to explore financial goals, business, or personal values in collaboration with partners and friends, or within groups. Whatever energies are culminating right now, and however your values and visions of the future might be shifting, with a powerful t-square across your succedent houses expect that your plans will take time to develop and bear fruit!

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