Taurus Horoscope for December 2019

Taurus Horoscope for December 2019

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of fresh realizations and understandings, Taurus, in the course of which you might well become better acquainted with yourself at the deeper layers of your psyche, including inner wounding. Your dreams are significant now, so that you gain from journaling these and attempting to analyze them. Your values and beliefs become an important focus, and an educational endeavor. From the previous month of the Mercury Retrograde, you have been reviewing, refining, and reinventing yourself in terms of relationship with significant partners, such as your primary relationship. In this current monthly cycle, you are coming to some startling conclusions regarding this vital area, ideas that you do well to integrate with your conscious thoughts. These stem from intuitional levels, beyond simple rationality, and yet are not to be discounted for that reason. The Full Moon of December 11th represents a significant juncture, when you will be tested to see how far you can go with regard to necessary changes in your worldview and system of beliefs.

The following was written by our new resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of December begins with your ruler Venus in the sign of Capricorn conjunct the South Node; this could translate as having to attend to the details of your everyday life with a sober, grounded, and practical approach. With the New Moon in Sagittarius from the end of November having taken place in your eighth house of shared resources, and with Mars and Mercury still in your house of relationship in the sign of Scorpio, you find yourself having to compromise and negotiate the various terms of your associations and partnerships. A process that began at the end of October with Mercury Retrograde in your seventh house brought many new developments and dialogues with others, agreements, and contracts that must be revised. Your needs versus the needs of people in your life have to be balanced, but this might be easier said than done, and these dialogues continue in December.

The transit of Uranus in Taurus is definitely giving you an edge these days and you are less willing to compromise. However, you still need the people in your life, and you still need to navigate the many complexities of your partnerships. Your wings are also getting much wider, and this means that you will desire more space to spread them. The Full Moon in Gemini, late on the 11th, illuminates your values, your assets, and incomes, and how intertwined and tied you are with others. This could totally be ok but if you are looking to break free of some sort of contract or financial agreements with someone, the Full Moon in Gemini will highlight the issue. Either way you look at it, with Mercury entering Sagittarius on the 9th, and ruling over the Full Moon in Gemini,a lot of what is going on right now in your life has to do with shared resources.

Regarding this Full Moon as well, your priorities, values and philosophies are changing, and this is supported by all of the heavy players: mainly Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter and the South Node transiting in Capricorn. Since Capricorn is also an Earth sign like the sign of Taurus, all these planets are in a supportive trine with Taurus helping you outgrow old patterns in the best possible ways. The changes brought by the break-down of old structure in your life is truly helping the expressions of a new version of yourself. With Uranus currently transiting in Taurus, your instincts are sharp and you can very easily intuit what is right for you, but also what feels outdated. You also have to remember that not everyone functions on this upgraded level, and it could feel alienating to see the world around you not matching your current perceptions.

Your ruler Venus enters Aquarius on the 20th of December bringing an emphasis on your career and vocation and perhaps a desire to break away from what has been done until now, while bringing new and refreshing ideas. The transit of Venus in Aquarius should support some progression in regards to the visions you have for yourself in the world, your role and your contribution. Venus in Aquarius transiting in your tenth house could also challenge you in a positive way to improve your game and move out of your comfort zone a little bit more. The fact is, you are tired of the ‘’same old same old’’, and craving new perspectives and experiences in your life. Venus in Aquarius mid-month could give you some opportunities to do that and connect with exciting people, especially if you get out of your own way.

On the 21st, the Sun enters Capricorn, signaling the beginning of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The emphasis in the second half of the month shifts from juggling partnerships and agreements to your own philosophical pursuits, and your place in the world. With four planets now transiting in Capricorn, the second half of December brings a focus on our physical and material world. For the Taurus folks, this also means a desire to move around in the world, expand your reach, travel, study. The end of 2019 could very well carry an impetus for change brought through pursuing new educational, philosophical, or spiritual avenues or perhaps even a desire to travel or relocate.

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