Taurus Horoscope for October 2019

Taurus Horoscope for October 2019

Posted on in Taurus |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You have another month ahead that is full of transformational changes, Taurus, affecting your mission of service to others, and your very way of seeing the world around you. Increasingly unsettled, you want to help with the issues of a troubled society and on behalf of a beleaguered environment. You who love stability might regret losing sight of it, rapidly disappearing in your rear-view mirror. You have nonetheless a powerful dedication to your ongoing metamorphosis and an implicit commitment to ride it as far as it will take you. This begins with your rapidly altering worldview, and spreads to your service attitude and your relationship interactions. New forms of Spirit are emerging, especially when you can muster the determination to stay alive to possibility. Connecting to your deepest values is important, and linked to concerted action on your part operating at an almost unconscious level. As the month continues to unfold, you grow through allowing partners to help you in embracing and honoring your hidden powers.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins right on the heels of the New Moon in Libra (from September 28th), which fell in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. With a host of planets also making aspects from the sign of Libra in your sixth house this month, you are likely going to be very busy with the work of beautifying, improving, and harmonizing things in your immediate environment. Since Uranus in your sign, and therefore in your identity house, was also powerfully configured in this recent New Moon, your self-concept will likely take on many new twists turns this month as well. Partnership and intimacy will also be significant factors for you in a month that features to a certain extent digging down into your own inner world, and that of others.

On October 3rd, the planet Mercury will enter your seventh house of partners, emphasizing the need for deeper dialogue in all your relationships. For the rest of the month, you may also find that you are being helped to plan, strategize, analyze or critique something with the aid of a friend, lover, or partner.

At the same time, be careful of being overly critical or emotionally intense, especially around October 5th to the 7th, as Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus in your home sign. You may also notice that you are experiencing a series of epiphanies or insights, and also fluctuations, due to an unusually lucid channel of communication that is now available to you in your relationships.

At the same time, exact on October 7th, the Sun in Libra in your sixth house will also square Saturn in Capricorn in your ninth house of the higher mind. Echoing the same themes on October 13th, the Sun will then square Pluto in Capricorn, also in the ninth house. Both transits point to a period of enhanced lucidity, wisdom, and greater commitment or seriousness in relation to your beliefs, spiritual practices, or to the path of higher learning. You may be receiving the insights and inspiration you need right now to make a critical choice about the future, or you might be working through conversations about your beliefs within your relationships.

Between October 11th and 13th, your ruling planet, Venus, from the sign of Scorpio, will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your first house. Watch for the themes of revolution in relationships, the need for greater exploration, experimentation, or personal freedom, as well as the desire to break free from old habits in your partnerships.

On October 13th, the Full Moon in Aries will land in your twelfth house, suggesting a period of both inwardness and intensity. You may be dealing with feelings of futility or frustration, or even struggling with your impulse control during this period. Whatever the case might be, with Mars in the opposite sign of Libra, the balancing force of your care and concern for others should help you to make smart choices and use your energy wisely.

At the same time, on October 13th, both the Sun and Moon, in Libra in your sixth house, and in Aries, your twelfth, will square Pluto in Capricorn in your ninth house of higher mind, echoing the Sun’s square to Saturn from earlier in the month. Again, the themes of deep change in your learning situation and beliefs are happening right now. It is important to note that this is a major transit, highlighting significant changes that have been active for much of this current year. Ultimately, Pluto will demand that something be transformed, entirely, “die,” and become reborn, in the course of this major transit which will also be quite active over 2020.

Later in the month, between October 26th and the 28th, the Sun will oppose Uranus across your first and seventh houses, doubling down on the same themes of freedom, independence, and individuation in your relationships that Venus’ opposition to Uranus brought up earlier in the month. At the same time, Mars in Libra will square Saturn in Capricorn in your ninth house, bringing up the importance of your beliefs and the potential conflicts or struggles you are facing right now relative to the topic of faith, learning and love. The interesting thing to note here is that the New Moon will also fall in your seventh house of relationships on October 27th, opposing the planet Uranus, suggesting that there is a greater theme of awakening and transformation at work in your relationships for the entire lunation cycle to come, over November. Remember that the greatest relationships are those where you can create room for both yourself and those you love to become the very best versions of themselves, in the process.

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